Zombie Sprites
Thursday, January 7, 2010 - 21:18
Art Type:
- 2D game
- 5/8 Directional Sprite Sets
- 8 Frame Walk Cycles
- AK: 2.5D Artworks
- Character resources
- Flare
- Flare Bestiary
- FLARE Collection
- flare-esque 64x32
- g1
- Iso-RPG-Concept
- Isometric
- Isometric Characters
- Isometric collection
- isometric Tululoo demonstration
- My Game
- NotMeNotU
- OGA Staff Picks
- Res Mathematica project
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RTS Assets
- Scavenger
- Stuff
- Top Down 2D Isometric 32x32 Character Art Collection
- Top Down view
- Walk Cycles
- Zombie Game
128x128 tiles. 8 direction, 36 frames per direction.
- Stance (4 frames)
- Lurch (8 frames)
- Slam (4 frames)
- Bite (4 frames)
- Block (2 frames)
- Hit and Die (6 frames)
- Critical Death (8 frames)
Blender file posted here: http://opengameart.org/content/zombie-0
I use a custom Python script to render the animation in 8 directions. Then I use this ImageMagick command to combine them:
montage *.png -background "transparent" -geometry 128x128 -tile 36x8 zombie.png

bart pointed this out. Perfect sound effect source for the head explosion: http://opengameart.org/content/2-wooden-squish-splatter-sequences
If I ever put zombies in my game, I would most likely use these. They're pretty freakin' nifty. Good job pfunked.
This is great. I can't wait to play OSARE.
I was playing osare again today and I just wanted to say. While paying close attention to zombie killing, you did a very good job with these animations.
Interesting fact: This is the #1 google result for "zombie sprites". :)
Added top-down rendering
Does anyone know of a sprite creator that does decent work for free? If you do, please a email address so I may contact them.
Not saying yours aren't good, I didn't see them when I posted that. O_o
This image is used in Digital Wizard's Lab framework Huge Isometric Maze demo: http://code.google.com/p/dwlab/downloads/detail?name=HugeIsoMaze 2.0.zip
Really apreciate this kind of work ;) I've I get it running somewhere I'll tell you!
Used on our easter egg!
Could you share your custom Phyton script ?
rferriz, the updated script for Blender 2.6
Many thanks!
Hey clint this is amazing! I would love to use your zombie as one of my enemy types in my iOS game Particle Boy.
Could I?
Ahh never mind clint. I love the zombie but it doesnt fit in with my game :( Man im so bumbed.
How to "unmontage" this picture to few files? Is there a way to not cut by hand 288 frames?
Awesome dude, just what i needed . Is it cool if i use these in my IOS game , super early stages but still good for what i wanted. Ill let u know if anything gets really going with my game
wow! Thank you. This is exactly what i was looking for. Still testing my html5 horror game and these zombie sprites are perfect .
Hi Clint,
I like some of your sprites very much and would like to use the zombies, goblins and minotaurs in an android game. Perhaps I´d like to use later on some more of your stuff. How shall I credit you? Only the name?
Great work :)
Just credit my name "Clint Bellanger" somewhere and it's all good. Optionally you can link to my website http://clintbellanger.net too. Thanks!
Used in this game: http://itmatters.mobi/demo/iso_n/
Credits available in-game. (although I provided a link to your opengameart.org profile instead)