N64 Style Fantasy Guns, Weapons, and Items
Sunday, December 3, 2023 - 19:05
Art Type:
Used in my game jam 'Hymnos'. Made using the blender and gimp. Contains 3d models of swords, guns, misc weapons, and accompanying textures. They were made emulating N64 hardware, but definitely stretching the limits when it came to polygon count and texture resolution.

they look awesome, thanks for sharing!
Gonna use this in my quake clone
When I open the .blend file, all objects look blank and without textures, despite being in Material Preview. How can I fix this?
I'm still learning Blender though, despite this year 2023 being the most I've ever learned.
I don't use that version of blender, so I'm not 100% sure, but you're probably using it in a mode that doesn't display textures and instead displays the untextured polygons.
I have 3 versions of Blender: 2.79, 2.93, and 3.5. Only 2.79 loads correctly. So I was searching about converting them to newer versions, and I found about converting them to Cycles, which fixes the issue, except for transparency (I found out that I was using Material Preview rather than Rendered). Thanks.