Ancient Beast - Browser based TBS, HoMM3 style
My game project is a browser based PvP TBS, somewhat similar with Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (combat only). Free Open Source of course :-)
Check out the website
I could use help with the following:
- more items : 128x128, png with alpha (no background), 72DPI should do; you can come up with all sorts of items and even suggest name and stats for them (stats are explained on the homepage), anyway, the artwork is the important part
- 2d artists to color linearts of creatures and come up with simplistic backgrounds for them (I'll post some linearts around pretty soon) or redraw already existing creatures
- 3d artists to model/sculpt/texture creatures using blender or to help out with creation of new combat locations
- animators to help up rigging and animating various creatures for the game
- php/javascript coders
To get in touch, you can use the
#AncientBeast on Freenode
Let's make this project awesome!
Oh, btw, donations are really helpful since I work fulltime on this project and don't have any other income atm (paypal/flattr/bitcoin buttons on the homepage), also, more fans/followers always nice :-)
Great to see you here, Donated some time ago in the hope that the game would improve (didn't work for me on both Firefox and Chromium). Now I see the game is "Coming soon". Any info on that?
Hello Myckel and thanks for your donation :-) Not many donating atm, hope that will change pretty soon. Game is not playable yet, made that more obvious on the homepage at least. I'm working around the clock on getting this up and running, but it's a lot of work. I really need to get more people involved and get things going even faster. Would probably have had a working prototype by now if I wasn't so JS retarded and the people interested in coding the gameplay wouldn't ask for money or put upfront conditions on using certain 3rd party libraries or game engines that don't really suit the project. I would rather move a bit slower and do things the right way instead of just rushing for a deadline, but I need support for things to happen.
Right now I'm working on the user system which will be all about using OAuth2 stuff (allowing players to register/log-in with various accounts they already have created on other websites, such as facebook/twitter and many others), after that will create a table for matches to be stored. In a few weeks focus will be all on game logic coding.
Thanks again!
Edit: Just a bit of something going on around ;-)
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
I know what you mean. I'm also always busy with projects, trying to do it right the first time.
I thought more people are in the Freezing Moon project?, no help from them?
I'm not working alone on this project, that would be totally insane. I'm constantly trying to get more people involved, having *at least* 5 active people at a time that are contributing. But still, I'm the main guy and the project won't make itself if I don't put the most time into it.
So if this post gets me a bit more support and hopefully some more items under creative commons license, it was all worth it.
Our Freezing Moon website is getting redone atm, so you'll be able to see some new faces on it pretty soon. It's one of the things on the 'to-do list' before we'll be going for crowd funding.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
Hey your project looks great, I don't have much time to help at the moment I'm afraid but I made this model from a concept image on your site. I'm afraid its not unwrapped or textured and it's quite high poly though I read that you planned to render them into sprite sheets so hopefully the poly count won't be a problem!
Keep up the great work,
@Dread Knight, send you some more bitcoins. Put them to good use!
@Myckel, Thanks a lot! I'll do so, no doubt :)!/AncientBeast/status/201208799648948224
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
@Scribe, seen you on IRC but you left by the time I got the chance to poke you. Hopefully you'll drop by #AncientBeast sometime.
The creature you made is already modeled actually, will update first post in order to try to avoid duplicated effort, we have widgets in bestiary that show progress of the specific creature (link might point to another creature at some time in the future, bare that in mind).
Here's how it looks in 3d
Finished -
WIP 2 -
WIP 1 -
Anyway, regarding licensing, you're kinda doing it wrong :D
License for artwork (etc) is listed here
What that basically means is that you need to have the 3d model under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and credit Kasia88 (she did make the creature, colored it and even made a nice timelapse with the process on top of that, the Ancient Beast project (hopefully linking) and then yourself, since you made the model :) So please update!
Anyway, even if the model was already done and yours might not actually make it into the game, thanks for making it, it's always nice to see fan art and different takes on existing stuff!
I hope you'll contribute some other stuff when you'll have the time that will actually make it into the final game :-) Cheers!
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
What style are you guys using for item icons? Are they gonna be 3D models as well?
Does this image fit the style at all ?
Also do you need some item/skill/stats suggestions ?
Try matching the style of the icons in here
128x128, PNG, trasparent background, brushed/raster, items must fit within the icon, somewhat colorful palette, some shading when it makes sense. Leather boots, studded club and death's touch bow are a bit unpolished, so don't mind those too much.
You can use gimp/krita/mypaint or whatever.
We can always use feedback or suggestions, but for that you would have to "idle" around our IRC channel, #AncientBeast on Freenode; tut on how to join over here (and even IRC applet)
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
Lame bump :)
Survey time, everyone!
Check out the bestiary and let me know which is your favorite creature.
You can even make a top 3, it's alright :)
You can comment in disqus (at the end of the page) or on the OGA forum thread.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
My favorite creature so far is the Marauder and here are a couple of reasons why :
- It was awesome stats
- Its extremely versatile
- It has AoE dmg and can reflect melee damage.
-It looks like a regular bad ass with those metallic spikes.
Mumu: very pretty jewelry 'snowflakes'! Please submit to OGA. :)
@Dread Knight, any update on the code? When can we expect something "playable" (even if it just shows things and no game code behind it).
Well, I tried to hire a part time coder, offering about 300$/month and I received answers like "hell no, I can make that amount in 3 hours of freelancing", so unless I code the gameplay myself as well (will need to learn JS and canvas a bit better), get funding or find a gameplay coder, it might take a while.
In my country people get payed about 250$/month at good full time jobs...
Seems in summer there are fewer contributions overall (art/code/money wise). Still a lot of focus on 2d/3d/animation at this stage. I'm really looking forward for progress on gameplay to be going steady. Will prepare some video presentations soon and even work on "fake" gameplay videos after Dark Priest and some more creatures get finished and animated.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
Why not make a document that describes the gameplay and rules (with mock ups of the art as examples how things would work) in detail. The art looks great, but the game mechanics are not clear to me. Anyone remotely interested in helping, might think the same and decide not to help.
Working on that as well actually; it's displayed right on the homepage.
That section will get another important update probably tomorrow, too tired atm. It was a very productive day, thanks Mumu for joining the channel and brainstorming with me; lots of good ideas and feedback.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
The description on the homepage is rather limited. It tells you little. A good description of the mechanics would run through an example game, show what every player does, how things are calculated, who wins... details. What is the role of the 12x18 hexagon field? Such questions should be answered, why was chosen for such specific field and how does it influence gameplay?
But have a good rest, hope that this gives you some food to think about.
The homepage stuff is just to give an overall idea. Well, I'm actually making a document like that ,describing an 1vs1 match in full detail, it was requested by several coders so far, but it's really tedious work, taking a lot of time and energy; will be adding mock-ups for each step for it and it will eventually become that "fake" gameplay video. Should probably make it higher priority. Thanks!
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
Bumping this thread.
The game is now somewhat playable as it had it's 0.1 release a few weeks ago, being one month away from a 0.2 release.
We could use more contributors, especially with coding (javascript/php/myself/css...) or artwork (2d stuff, using open source software recommended). Also, financial contributions would be appreciated, as I would like to commission a really skilled artist to create a wallpaper/poster for the project, under CC-BY-SA 3.0 license ofc.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
This is a pretty cool project that is currently on halt, it pains me to see people spamming it
Oh, it's a dead thread anyway, really old xD
Project isn't really on halt, just moving very slow.
I'm constantly working on it, but yeah, I could be doing way more and way better, no doubt.
Hopefully will get things back on track pretty soon.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -
Im happy to hear that, are you keping devolopment in 2d?
Yeah, 2D gameplay (or 2.5D), with 3d prerendered graphics, animation sample here - anyway, game might support various graphical styles, so a full 2d set might come at some point, maybe even earlier, as I'm getting more into 2d graphics and even animation for smaller foss game projects using some of the Ancient Beast characters as well, so I'm learning Synfig atm, will see how that goes. The 3d creature set is a bit hard to make overall without a budget, especially considering the animation part, so I'll have to do some huge efforts either animate myself, getting an actual budget or blender volunteers to do it.
3d print your squad of creatures with unique abilities in order to defeat your enemies -