Overworld Forest Tileset
Friday, February 23, 2024 - 05:59
Art Type:
This forest tileset I made has been tested with and works fine with Godot 4.2.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
This work incorporates forest tiles originally created by Buch, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0). The original tiles can be found at https://opengameart.org/content/overworld-tiles-0 or Buch's blog (http://blog-buch.rhcloud.com). Special thanks to Jeffrey Kern for his role as the committer and creative consultant on these tiles. the original work by Buch and the contributions by Jeffrey Kern must be appropriately credited as outlined above. This attribution does not imply endorsement by the original creators.
I require none, you just need to credit Buch and Kern.

The license cannot be CC0 when the original is CC-BY.Thank you for fixing the attribution.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Actually, according to my research it can be both? See my attribution blurb as it has changed.
Putting both here implies the entire set can be either CC0 or CC-BY 3.0. That isn't the case. The implication from the new attribution is that the set is CC0 in part and also CC-BY in part.It is true that your parts can be CC0 and Buch's parts can be CC-BY,but listing both licenses isn't the way to specify diffrent licenses for subcomponents. Only licenses common to all parts may be listed.P.S. The attribution blurb can remain as it is. Those users wishing to suss out which parts are CC0 and use those separately may do so,
but the submission has to indicate accurate licensing for the submission as a whole.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
That sucks, alright. EDIT: Hopefully it's good now.
It is. Thank you.
> This forest tileset I made has been tested with and works fine with Godot 4.2.
It means that you made a tileset file from it maybe with added terrain? Which could be saved as separate scene file and also distributed...