[LPC] Teen / Androgynous Short-Sleeve Shirt
Sunday, April 7, 2024 - 00:25
Art Type:
Minor modification of Androgynous Long-Sleeve Shirt included with [LPC] Teen / Unisex Base & Clothes (Original submission).
Zip file includes colors.
Note:Can be used with Universal LPC Spritesheet Generator using Advanced Tools (z-index 35).
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Joe White, Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike), Death's Darling. No attribution required to myself (Nyom).
See See [LPC] Teen / Unisex Base & Clothes for additional information.

Nyom, there is a licensing issue with this submission. Unless Death's Darling has given you explicit permission to use a less restrictive license, you must use the same or compatible license as the original work (CC BY-SA 3.0).
...additionally, Death's Darling is not the only artist involved. I can't find any indication that the "original" Long-Sleeve Shirt was not also a derivative of Joe White and Redshrike's work. Let me know if I'm wrong, but if not, the attribution here must also credit Joe White and Redshrike in addition to Death's Darling.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Selected wrong license in error. Updated license and added Joe White and Redshrike to attribution. Let me know if attributions needs to be modified. Androgynous Long-Sleeve Shirt zip file didn't have a credits file so worked around information available.
Looks good. Thanks.
I forgot about this, I'll open a task on the ULPC to remind me to add this.
Just to confirm, guys, ElizaWy's Shortsleeve Shirt is actually dual released under OGA-BY 3.0, CC-BY-SA 3.0, and GPL 3.0. So it can in fact be released under OGA-BY or CC-BY (as OGA-BY is less restrictive than CC-BY).
Bluecarrot when releasing a bunch of assets at once only shows the most restrictive license. I really don't like it when they do this, it gets tedious tracking all these things.
I noticed this when adding Nyom's Shortsleeve Androgynous to the ULPC that Shortsleeve was under OGA-BY. I confirmed by double-checking the credits.csv inside bluecarrot's lpc-clothing-updates zip file.
Opened a PR here for this:
Although the original asset is available in OGA-BY, because this wasn't given that license I didn't add it. If this license is updated I'll update it on the ULPC as well.
I'm actually not sure where Joe White comes into play here. I think the original shirt was by RedShrike. Joe White may have done some modifications later down the line, but for some reason wasn't credited by bluecarrot on the Shortsleeve shirt despite being credited elsewhere. (Redshrine specifically is listed, though.)
Based on bluecarrot's credits description:
body by Redshrike, shirt by ElizaWy derived from base, edited by bluecarrot16 to v3 bases
It seems like Redshrike is being credited for designing the original base body models. I wonder if the Longsleeve Shirt originally only existed on the Male model and Eliza is the one who designed the female one. I am credited for doing some modifications on the Male Longsleeve Shirt with Wulax doing the original. Eliza is listed as the originator for female, and given its a completely different base model, it makes sense that it would be considered a new asset at that point instead of being derived from the male asset.
However, it is still "derived" from the base character models because its meshed to the base model, at least, that's the logic Eliza and bluecarrot are using. Personally, I question crediting the artist of the base model for adding assets onto the model... IDK if that counts as a derivative or not. Technically you use the model, yes, but the assets are still otherwise created largely from scratch.
Apologies for the many comments here, just trying to get to the bottom of this. I checked the last updates on the Universal LPC Spritesheet before I stopped updating it (and Makrohn's is even older than mine):
Joe White is not credited for the Longsleeve shirt here. Wulax is the one who made that shirt. Redshrike, again, is presumably being credited later by bluecarrot for making the base body model, so its hit or miss whether you consider meshing the shirt to the base model as a derivative. Considering bluecarrot16 lists Redshrike I think its fine to follow up, but I have no idea why Joe White is listed.
Regardless, though, its irrelevant because the Longsleeve Female shirt by ElizaWy does not appear to be a derivative of the Longsleeve Male Shirt. Maybe its inspired by it, but unless she actively pulled pieces of the Male shirt over to the much smaller female frame... its probably more likely it was made by scratch to resemble the male shirt.
Where is the Shortsleeve shirt released under OGA-BY 3.0? Is the longsleeve shirt based on the shortsleeve shirt? or is Death's Darling's longsleeve based on something else unrelated? Speculating on how it was created is secondary to how Death's Darling herself attributed the derivatives she created.
Nor am I. It looks like Joe White created the pants but had no contribution to the shirt. Death's Darling didn't link to any of the other assets she derived hers from, so it's difficult to trace the provenance.
My guess is Joe White may have made later modifications (to a shirt?) but it was not upstream of bluecarrot's modifications, so was correctly not credited in bluecarrot's modifications. Again, difficult to tell without having links to the specific assets you're referring to.
Creating assets specifically so a certain base model can "wear" them does not make them derivative of the base model... UNLESS the base model was integral to the creation process of the clothing assets, which is likely the case. If you can make the clothing without referencing or tracing or copying parts from, or materially using the proportion of the base model, then no they aren't derivatives. Is this a shirt derived from flesh? I don't know, but it would explain why Redshrike, as the base model creator, is being credited for derivative clothing. This also applies if the female model was a derivative of the male model, and the shirt was subsequently a derivative of the female model.
Death's Darling indicates the shirt is based on Redshrike's female LPC model: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-teen-unisex-base-clothes which is CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0. It's possible Redshrike changed his license to include OGA-BY after Death's Darling made her derivative, which makes Death's Darling's derivative eligible for OGA-BY, which makes this derivative eligible for OGA-BY as well... but the change has to cascade down from the top first.
I'm also not clear on where Wulax fits in here. Did he make a longsleeve shirt? is it the SAME longsleeve shirt that bluecarrot derived his from? Or did bluecarrot make a separate longsleeve shirt using none of Wulax's shirt and only basing it on Redshrike's base?
TL;DR: Please provide links to the specific assets being referenced. Without that, we can't change anything unless we hear directly from Bluecarrot, Redshrike, and Death's Darling (We can certainly ask them, but I'd like to be sure this isn't a question they already answered via attribution.)
"Death's Darling indicates the shirt is based on Redshrike's female LPC model: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-teen-unisex-base-clothes which is CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0. It's possible Redshrike changed his license to include OGA-BY after Death's Darling made her derivative, which makes Death's Darling's derivative eligible for OGA-BY, which makes this derivative eligible for OGA-BY as well... but the change has to cascade down from the top first."
Over here on Eliza's LPC Revised these assets are listed under OGA-BY:
This link is outdated:
As Eliza never updated her older entries on OGA to include OGA-BY, even though her entire repo lists OGA-BY.
That said, I found the license here for those shirts:
In here Bluecarrot lists Eliza's longsleeve and shortsleeve shirts as OGA-BY, probably based on her repository updates. The entire entry is CC-BY-SA, but inside the zip file is a credits file that lists specific assets under other licenses, including Eliza's shirts that are listed in OGA-BY.
I don't see an explicit mention of Redshrike approving Eliza to use OGA-BY in her repository. She does mention other artists who approved her to release assets in OGA-BY. That being said, Redshrike already said he was making all his assets OGA-BY (at least the assets he made from scratch) way back in 2014:
The ULPC also lists OGA-BY on all base assets, which can be derived from that comment from Redshrike above:
The credits were updated to say these base models are under OGA-BY as well. Bluecarrot is very specific on handling licensing and would not list something under a certain licence without being absolutely certain it was approved.
"I'm also not clear on where Wulax fits in here. Did he make a longsleeve shirt? is it the SAME longsleeve shirt that bluecarrot derived his from? Or did bluecarrot make a separate longsleeve shirt using none of Wulax's shirt and only basing it on Redshrike's base?"
Wulax made the original MALE Longsleeve shirt. Notably, that shirt IS still listed under CC-BY-SA (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanderfrenken/Universal-LPC-Spriteshee...):
torso/clothes/longsleeve/male,"original by wulax, recolors and cleanup by JaidynReiman, further recolors by bluecarrot16","JaidynReiman, Johannes Sjölund (wulax)","CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0",https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites,h...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The female Longsleeve shirt did not exist until ElizaWy made it, so the female Longsleeve shirt was based on the original female body model, like how the male longsleeve shirt was based on the original male body model. So, that would mean Eliza's shirt is not derived from the CC-BY-SA male shirt, but the CC-BY-SA / OGA-BY base female model by Redshrike.
Bluecarrot simply updated Eliza's female longsleeve shirt to the v3 base models, just for clarification:
This is really incredibly annoying to track down...
EDIT: I'm glad I did track down that original comment by Redshrike though. Every current source I'm seeing for the base character models (ULPC, Eliza's LPC Revised) all say they're in OGA-BY. But damn would it be nice if other entries on OGA itself were actually corrected to list the license as well to make things less confusing...
In the base assets the whole thing is CC-BY-SA, but the attribution clearly says Redshrike's assets are in OGA-BY as well. So further confirmation that Redshrike's base character models are OGA-BY.
"Images are copyright their respective authors, as listed in CREDITS.TXT. NOTE: The assets by Leana "Sharm" Zimmerman and Stephen "Redshrike" Challener are also available under the OGA-BY 3.0 License."
"NOTE: These assets by Stephen Challener are also available under the OGA-BY 3.0 License. -Medicine Storm 4/12/2022
Character templates
- female_walkcycle.png
- female_hurt.png
- female_slash.png
- female_spellcast.png
- male_walkcycle.png
- male_hurt.png
- male_slash.png
- male_spellcast.png
- male_pants.png
- male_hurt_pants.png
- male_fall_down_pants.png
- male_slash_pants.png
Much style guide work"
From the LPC base assets credits.txt file.
Whatever the case may be, Nyom's shirt is now on the ULPC:
If the license gets changed here later I can update it over there as well, but for now its CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0 as it is here, too.
@JaidynReiman: Good. Thanks for tracking all that down. That would suggest this: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-teen-unisex-base-clothes is not outdated. The licensing is correct on that page, but only because it includes content from Joe White, who's derivatives remain CC-BY-SA/GPL. (When there is a pack of assets with various licenses for various subcomponents of the pack, only the most restrictive common license to the entire pack is used as the whole pack's license. Most of the content on that pack is CC-BY-SA, GPL, and OGA-BY, but because Joe White's pants are only CC-BY-SA, and GPL, the "whole pack's license" becomes CC-BY-SA and GPL sans
OGA-BY.)I beleive Death's Darling did update her older entries on OGA to include OGA-BY, but only the ones where all content within the pack was covered by OGA-BY. It is also why this https://opengameart.org/content/liberated-pixel-cup-lpc-base-assets-spri... lists CC-BY-SA and GPL in the sidebar, but has the OGA-BY caveat you mentioned; A lot of the content in that pack is under OGA-BY, but not all of it. If there are any other LPC submissions where it should also include OGA-BY, let me (or Death's Darling) know, because we definitely want that extra freedom on those assets.
The good news is, that also addressed this uncertainty of mine:
Although Death's Darling's pack that Nyom derived this asset from is not OGA-BY, all the subcomponents used to create this, are.
@Nyom: If you are willing to include it, we would love to have OGA-BY 3.0 listed as one of the licenses for these assets here. :)
Right, that's correct, I forgot about the fact that Joe White had pants in that set as well.
Unfortunately that also might mean the licensing for this one is incorrect:
A number of the assets here are derivatives. I added OGA-BY to the whole thing by your request, however, some of the assets logically cannot be OGA-BY. I would probably need to update it specifically to say the capes are OGA-BY, and admittedly, that is the only asset I updated to OGA-BY on the ULPC as well. The other assets were modifications.
I think the sleeveless shirts and tunics were derived from pirate outfits which were never released under OGA-BY.
EDIT: Nvm, these are all good. Crisis averted!