LowPoly Crystals Pack
Monday, March 15, 2021 - 15:46
Art Type:
A set of 28 lowpoly crystals
FBX, OBJ and Blend
Enjoy :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:

A set of 28 lowpoly crystals
FBX, OBJ and Blend
Enjoy :)
What is the logic in making objects available under a CC0 license and preventing people from being able to resell them? Could you explain?
Nowhere does it say these assets cannot be resold
I am very strict about copyright issues, so I visited the creator's website and there is the following message:
No, you can't do that
On his website it is also licensed under CC0 and yet he says they cannot be sold.
It seems to me that he is not quite sure what Public Domain means.
Nowhere does it say THESE assets cannot be resold. The assets on that website are not these assets.
And if the assets on that website cannot be resold, then they aren't actually licensed CC0. The assets found here are.
Go to the creator's website and see what I'm saying.
I don't want to have copyright problems in the future, if the creator doesn't explain this issue, I will discard these objects.
I have. It doesn't change what I just said. I have no jurisdiction over that site or it's contents. The assets here should not be treated the same as similar looking assets found elsewhere. The author had stated here that the assets here are cc0. What they say elsewhere about assets elsewhere is irrelevant here.
The creator of these objects available here is the same as the website I provided. But the creator seems unaware of what CC0 actually means. You cannot make something available under the CC0 license and place a restriction on those objects.
Cropos it seems like you don't understand few things.
1. Appreciate the fact that someone did something for free so you can use it in your project for nothing,
2. There's README.txt attached in the archive that clearly says that you can use these models even in your commercial projects without asking and credits,
3. You'll never be able to sell someone's work even if you gonna buy it (it's copy), the author still got all rights to it, well except preventing you from using it... and you buying the rights to use it in some ways.
Is everything clear now?
By the way... do you really think that taking someone's hard work for free and selling same work for money in exactly same form is right?? I don't think so.
I'm sorry Shreddie, but that is also not completely correct.
You cannot claim to be the autor or the owner of the assets.(Sort of conflicts with CC0. This is non-enforcable, but also mostly irrelevant because credit is not required and any derivative, no matter how tiny, could be enough to grant new authorship of a new work based on assets where all claims are waived. This is against the spirit of CC0 so I will work to correct this portion. EDIT: Fixed!)I don't believe anyone is planning to take someone's hard work for free and selling it. The point was not that cropots intended to do so, the point was the author's restriction listed on that other site is a conflict with the CC0 license. My point was that conflict doesn't exist here, it only (possibly) exists on ipoly3d.com, in which case cropots should be addressing it there, not here.
Shreddie: The CC0 license is explicit, the author who releases work under these terms waives all rights thereto, so I CAN YES take the files and do with them whatever I want, I believe you are not aware of this or just wanted to play judge moralist. The discussion here is not about ethics or things like that, it is the conflict of licenses between the creator's sites. I am a content creator and I have works spread across the internet also under this CC0 license, and I am completely sure of what it means.
In case you don't know, sites like opengameart are for just this, so that people can save work by taking ready-made files and modifying them to use as they see fit, the CC0 license allows this in all aspects. I don't understand why you want to lecture people about using files under a public domain license.
In any case, I am a completely honest person in terms of copyright, due to discrepancies in information and lack of contact with the creator, I created my crystals myself and launched my project, rest assured, I did it.
Completely correct MedicineStorm. Thanks!