Cybermatic pulse, Scientific & Stellar traiblazer (zhelanov Vs Vitalezz remixed)

Mix of the following tracks by Alexandr Zhelanov and vitalezzz:
Cybermatic pulse by Alexandr Zhelanov CC BY 4.0 Deed
Scientific by Alexandr Zhelanov CC BY 4.0 Deed
Stellar traiblazer by vitalezz CC0 1.0 Deed
To me the tracks fit and I like the combinations of guitars and synth but feel free to provide feedback and let me know what you think.
I added a loop (1:23 min long) that fades out at the end.
The previews are ordered like this: Short version (preview 1:35 min), loop (1:23 min), and full version (3:10 min).
I added a forth mix with the following tracks:
Scientific by Alexandr Zhelanov CC BY 4.0 Deed
Stellar traiblazer by vitalezz CC0 1.0 Deed
The new forth mix called "Scientificmix2.ogg" has 2 additional tracks included:
"New factory" by tricksntraps: License: CC0
Cyber implant in my butt by Zhelanov - cc-by 4.0

OGA-BY can be adapted to CC-BY, but CC-BY cannot be adapted to OGA-BY. Would you be willing to adjust the license on this remix?EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Sorry, I'm still learning about licenses, I changed it to CC-BY 4.0, is it correct now?
Yes. Thank you.
yo those really work great together amazing job
Thank you! I love knowing people enjoy my work!