Audune Prompts
Audune Prompts is an asset pack including button prompts for keyboard, mouse and modern controllers, which were made with a minimal yet clear design in mind. The pack also includes a Unity package containing TextMeshPro sprite assets for use in a Unity project.
The pack currently includes button prompts for:
- Keyboard
- Common mouse operations
- Xbox Controller, using the Series X & S controller as a base
- PlayStation Controllor, using the DualShock 4 controller as a base
- Switch Pro Controller
The prompts are licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which means that you're free to share and adapt the material, as long as you give attribution to Audune Games and share your adaption under the same license. You may use the original material or your adaptions for commercial use.
Note that this version of the pack doesn't include any trademarked symbols as per the OpenGameArt site rules. If you want to download the pack including the PlayStation face buttons, please do so using the link:

These are great! Thanks for sharing!
There are several trademarked items in this pack. The usage terms of the trademarked items do not align with the terms implied by CC BY-SA (nor any other license on OGA). Would you be willing to omit the following from this pack?Microsoft Windows logo - Trademarked by MicrosoftMicrosoft XBox logo - Trademarked by Microsoft∆○×□ icons ("triangle circle cross square") - Trademarked by SonySony Playstation logo - Trademarked by SonyUntil then, I must mark the submission as having licensing issues to prevent users from getting into potential trouble from using them against the trademark owner's permitted usage.Let me know if you have questions.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Thanks for your comment!
Would it be sufficient to include an extra note to indicate that the trademarked icons are trademarks of their respective companies? This is also how the Font Awesome project licenses their free icons, which includes a lot of brand icons: CC-BY 4.0 license but with the extra note that brand icons are trademarked. Otherwise, I think the usage of the PlayStation button icons as button prompts should fall under nominative fair use, specifically "The product or service cannot be readily identified without using the trademark (e.g. trademark is descriptive of a person, place, or product attribute). Same goes for the Windows key on keyboards. I'd be willing to remove the Xbox and PS logo buttons, as I think they aren't really used for button prompts either way, but the PS icons seem too much of an integral part of button prompts to remove them.
An extra note about usage guidelines is certainly a good idea. However, OGA wants all users to be able to download assets and feel safe using them under the terms of the license indicated. Saying "These are under CC-BY-SA, but also don't use them in X, Y, or Z circumstances" is hindering that. I recognize Trademark terms are not Copyright terms, and a copyright license does not govern trademkark usage, but as a matter of site policy, we tend not to allow anything that could land a user in trouble for simply following the licensing terms alone.
Giving a trademark disclaimer is not the only way that Font Awesome licenses their icons. It is one part of it, but they also consulted lawyers for their very specific case regarding their own specific assets and furthermore asked the trademark owners for guidance and permission. You may do so for these assets, or the downloaders of these assets may do so, but OGA, as a general asset hosting site, cannot feasibly do so on behalf of all disparate assets and their authors.
In all likelyhood, all the aforementioned trademarks would be safe for individuals to use under Nomative Fair Use, but what our users are permitted to do is not quite the same thing as what OpenGameArt is permitted to host. Note there are zero assets on OGA who's only safe usage is Nomative Fair Use. This is also the reason any non-Sony-brand PS controllers do not contain those exact symbols (see attached image).
I agree the PS button icons are fairly integral to this set, but their importance doesn't diminish the legal risk. I have asked the site owner and other admins to consider accepting trademarked works provided the trademark-holder's usage guidelines and disclaimer, but I would probably not be able to unlock this submission until I get a consensus from them about this. In the meantime, one possible workaround solution may be to have the redacted version of the button prompt pack here on OGA, but in the description provide a link to the full button prompt pack that is hosted elsewhere, like on . Would that work for now? Please do not think you're being singled out; The risks and permissability of Sony's Triangle-Circle-Cross-Square buttons has been discussed at length before: We feel Sony's trademark of these buttons is idiotic and an abuse of IP law, but the legal risk- at least for now- remains.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
I've read the interesting discussion of years ago regarding the trademarks for the PS button prompts, and I have to say it's a pretty interesting one. As far as I understand, the main reason to prohibit submitting content to OGA using those are because of the site policy, right?
For now I've updated the download to exclude the trademarked button prompts and added a link to the full version as per your suggestion.
Site Policy, correct... well, that and the fact OGA itself is liable in different ways for hosting assets than users are for downloading and using assets. If you are saying "there's no real legal risk to users, though, right?" then
Yes[the law requires I respond "It depends on the user's particular circumstances. Intellectual Property and Fair Use are not subject to generalization."] ;)Thank you for your understanding and thanks again for sharing these.