Camp Fire Animation for RPGs (finished)
- 05. Pixel Art - Effects
- 2D - RPG - [LPC]-Compatible Tiles/Sprites
- 2D Fantasy Survival Horror
- 2D Platformer Pixel Art
- 2D::Animation/Effect
- 32XP
- AncientBeast
- Andruil RPG
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Art used in WebIsoRogue
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- D-RPG (Art/Music Assets)
- Demonizer
- Dungeon Crawler Prototype
- Etc
- Explosions, Bullets, Fire etc (Pixel art)
- Field Guardians
- Flindrikin
- Key Pan Blah Me See By Say He She May Game Co
- Kujasa
- Larwick
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- Libre VCMI
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPC survival
- LPC-Compatible Sprites
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- Quality pieces
- Random Art
- RPG Game
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Side Scrolling Art Collection
- special effect
- Special effects
- Test
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Trevas
- Ultimate TableTop
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Used in Valyria tear
- World Gen 2D
- Zelda Like RPG
- Zijper - VFX
This is my second camp fire animation. Second animation ever actually. My first one was a quick attempt for the fire challenge. It came out looking alright but I wasn't satisified with it.
I thought this one came out so good it deserved it's own submission instead of just slipping it into the old submission.
This uses the first 4 frames at 150ms
This uses all 5 frames at 150ms
Here's a new version.
Here's a newer version. (180ms)
The camp fire is based on Jetrel's camp fire here in this tileset. I pixeled every flame burst and the only thing that Jetrel drew is what doesn't move in the animation.
I was motivated to make this camp fire animation for Bertram's game VT. He said he was going to look into using my first fire animation so I figured I'd try to make a better one for his game. It's nice seeing my art being put to good use :D
Root's is going to put this to good use in his game HOA also :)
If you use this in a game, please let me know- I like to know that my work is useful and love checking out other project's.

Sorry for sounding like I'm repeating myself but could someone let me know which animation they like better, the one with 4 frames or the one with 5?
Also, please let me know if you think I did a good job getting the fire's upward burning movement. I would LOVE some feedback. I want to know if I did good work or if I'm lame at this ;)
I like the 5 frame animation better, but it's really hard to tell as the two animations are very similar in quality. I think it's a great improvement over the old animation, nice work! I do have a couple suggestions for how it could be improved though.
1) The parts of the flame that jump up above the main fire stand out because they don't seem to have the same level of detail in the shading of the flames at the base. Particularly the large orange sections in the middle of the flame bursts seem almost "cartoonish" in comparison with the flame at the base. In this resepect, I feel your older animation was superior because it did not suffer this problem. Fixing it might be as simple as just increasing the level of shading in these branching flames and reducing the amount of contiguous sections of one color.
2) This is incredibly minor, but it seems a little odd to me that the flames jump up to the same height on the sides of the fire as they do in the center. Do a google image search for "camp fire" and maybe you'll see what I mean looking through some of the photos there. The fire is sort of shaped like an upside-down cone. The highest reaching flames are formed from the center of the fire, and the apex height gradually drops as you get further out from the center.
I'm planning to make extensive use of this animation in the next release of Allacrost as well. I'm going to make an edit it to to remove the wood underneath so that it can be used for setting the top of anything on fire, such as a building or tree.
Hi Zabin,
Those animations are pretty awesome! :) Congrats!
What Roots said in the two points is correct, while I wonder if by simply decreasing the time of the frame which is "oversizing" the flame, the odd feeling could simplu go away.
We should share and work commonly on the flames since it's pretty common thing to have, in every 2d games around there, btw. :)
Best regards,
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions guys :)
Here's an updated version taking into account what you guys suggested.
The camp fire was moved to the bottom to provide more space at the top, so I can add more smokey flames to get a better upside-down cone shape. The flames not part of the main fire got recolored to more resemble smokey flame bursts.
I had to lower the mount of colors Jetrel had in the original so I could pixel the fire's movement. There's like 20+ colors in the original. The fire is basically using <>10 colors now, I knew it would look more cartooney because of that and I'll try to get around to adding more colors to avoid the cartoony look.
I'll take a couple days break from this, so expect another version in 3-4 days.
Awesome, I love your improvements. I'm pulling the latest version into a new tileset I'm making for now. Do you expect to be making any further changes to the base of the fire? If not, I'll get to work on an alteration that removes the firewood so that it can be placed upon anything to make it look like it's on fire.
Sweet, I'm glad you like it. Yeah, I'm done with the base. I plan to re-work the 2nd and 3rd frame's high flames and maybe add more colors.
I remember playing your game over a year ago and now I recall that your starting village is under attack. There's house's blown apart and on fire. I'm happy I've helped you with your game :D
Okay, I made the edit and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Only took me about 5 minutes. I tried an animation rate of 200ms per frame because the 150ms looked just a tad too fast to me. But 200ms looks a tad too slow. So maybe 175ms is the magic number to try?
One thing I noticed as I worked closely with this animation is that the base of the fire doesn't animate much at alll. This is fine, but it might look slightly more awesome if the inner white circle were to expand and contract slightly during the animation. That might be a lot of work to get it to look right though and I'm not sure if it's worth the effort involved.
It doesn't look nearly smooth enough. I have great difficulty tracing the movements/transformations of particular strokes of fire, it looks like sets of strokes just replacing other sets of strokes, rather than persistent strokes of flame moving upward. A lot more frames and shorter frame times (~70ms?) would help, with most stuff moving like 1-pixel-a-frame, not jumping rapidly. I'd omit the pink color that's darker than orange, I'd omit all outline-like things. Also the shapes of strokes could be more fire-like, not just squiggle like worms; eg look at the "bursting" shapes & transformations of the strokes of fire here:
I gave it another go at improving the fire.
@Blarumyrran, I thought the same thing about the difficulty tracing movements and I think my newer version fixes that issue. I would love to have 15 frames like the one you show but I don't have the patience to draw that many frames :-P It takes me a good amount of time just drawing 1 frame and I don't have much spare time atm. I like the bursting of those flames but I think it wouldn't look natural for a campfire. Those flames remind me of the jet flames that come out of nuclear power plant towers, which isn't how a natural campfire burns (unless you throw gas onto it or a gust of wind comes by)
I have to admit, doing animation is a serious pain in the butt. My eyes start to spin o.O and I get a headache trying to make it flow right :-[
@Roots, I made a small attempt at getting some movement in the middle, I just noticed a small inpurity so I'll make 1 more attempt at polishing this up. So my next version (in a day or 2) will be my final version.
Using this in an LPC-based game - it fits in nicely!
I really like this animation, I would love to use this in my d20 tabletop game but I'm not sure how to do that. When I save the file it just seems to be a static image. I don't have any experience with these animated files, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Sorry for the noob hijack.
Hey guys, I just marked this submission as finished because I'm too out of patience to try and improve it any more. The new file (CampFireFinished.png) is almost a duplicate of the last one except I omited the unnecessary flame coming out the right side of the fire's base and the still pixels on the left.
@makrohn, I'm really happy to hear that and FYI your game "Polymorphable" is one of the few LPC games I actually got running on my ubuntu pc. I played through your game and truly enjoyed it and must say it was my favorite. I'm looking forward to playing again and seeing this fire animation in-game :D I hope you place when-ever they announce the winner's of the game development part of the LPC, do you think they'll do that this month?
@Drogo, Thanks! Sorry but I don't know anything about getting animation to work in games because the game I'm tinkering with isn't programmed to handle animation. I wish it was. I'm pretty sure games use animation in a sprite-sheet instead of using the preview of a ".gif" animation. I'm not sure if that's what you attempted but it's what comes to my mind when you said "static". Yeah I'm a "noob" also when it comes to programming. I'll look into that d20 tabletop game you mentioned.
Hi @Zabin,
I'll add and use the campfire in the next few days, can't wait to finish show the next part of the story :)
Hi Bertram :-]
That's excellent to hear!
Thanks, and I'm looking forward to playing more of your game.
Maybe one day you'll get to play a game I help put together ;)
@Drogo It depends on what game engine you're using. Atm i'm using Haafs Game Engine and it has a built in function hgeAnim. You can declare each of the frames positions and fps etc.
@Zabin This animation looks great! I've just started making my own rpg and this is going to be perfect for it. Thanks!
@psycho Thanks for the nice comment, I appreciate it. It was good practice making this fire animation. My skills in animation have improved since I made this so I will improve upon this in the future.
I'm gonna use it on an Android App Game !
This animation is realy great, that was exactly what I a was looking for. It surely will be used in a cinematic for my game.
Thanks a lot !
Qué buen fuego
I will use it on a steam Game , it is gonna take a while though...
( side-scroller hack n slash ) I would also like to ask if you would be willing to cooperate with me...
I am not that good at pixel art, but i am good and getting better at creating 8 bit music that would fit with your games. If you are interested just reply and ill mail you more details...
Thanks for making a fire like this! I'm searching for a fire like this, I will put this fire in my game :D
i put your art in my game , you can check it out here :
Play the game in this link :)
please rate my game :) thank you for this wonderful art .
God bless
Sorry I put a wrong link, This is the link :D
Hi Zabin!
I really like your campfire! But I also want a unfire campfire, I mean unignited logs, because make it fire in game is more visual-powerful thing! I hope you could make it, or just post a stacked logs, that would be helpful too. Thanks!
Hi there.
I'm use this package in my new game:
Nice animation. I am using it in my game.
Game Name: BadAsh
Game is available in Google Playstore:
See gameplay here:
Credit page is work in progress, will add credit then. Thanks