Sunday, October 27, 2024 - 18:48
Art Type:
Here is a collection of sprites & tilesets i created about 2 or 3 years ago and completely forgot about, you are free to use them how you like and in any project you want, no restrictions, the only thing i ask for is a little mention or credit :p
sorry in advance for the messy file organization. (psd files included)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
do what you wish, but at least a mention would be nice.

Wow. How long did it take you to make all of these?
probably about a year on and off.
Nice. Seems like a familiar style. You made this art a few years ago and didn't make any other art before or since?
oh i have tons, but im pulling everything from all my old projects off ancient drives that are pretty much done for and then public domaining evyerhting since i just never got around to actually using any of it.
in fact, re-looking at what i uploaded i noticed i including some of my logs and what i was working on at the time with the reference images lol.. oops.
Ok. Are they based on RPGmaker tiles? Do you recall your process for making them?
no, it was a homemade engine that used the same a-tile system as rpgmaker, so with some modifications they could be used for rpgmaker, this was quite some time ago but i did everything based reference images, used aesprite for most of it and piskel for my animations, and photoshop to finalize and allign & grid eveything
Thanks. Can you give some more detail on how the reference images were referenced? As in, how where the reference images modified or applied in order to create your new assets? It makes a difference for classifying assets as derivatives.
the reference images are literally just that, real world images i looked at for reference as to what i was drawing lol, i mentioned earlier, the only remnants of that though is in the needs.txt file which i accidentally included, i didn't modify any other image in order to create these. ah! i do remember one thing though, for the main sprite guy i did look at (when it was popular) nin-onlines sprites and attempted to create something similar becuase i loved them so much, but like the school & tilesets are are completely drawn by hand based on real world japanese schools.
Thanks for the details.
So you did not overlay the reference images on your art as you were drawing it nor copy-paste any parts of them?EDIT: Provenance provided in DM, thanks! :)absolutely! :D