Strange Artifact
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - 19:16
Art Type:
Weird funny model I made
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Attribution for the texture:
Souza, Pete, photographer. Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama / Pete Souza. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>

Where is that texture from?
I created it myself by hand painting photographs onto the model via stencil and then colorized it with some quantization tools. The source image that I used to make the face was a public domain photograph of president Obama if that's what you're asking 😆
It is. Please credit the photo as is required by submission guidelinesEDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
It came from the library of congress, is there a specific format that I need for the credit or do I just provide a URL link?
Scroll below the image on to the section labelled "Cite this item". Copy any one of the citation styles into the copyright/attribution notice section.
Done, thanks
...Wait, did I actually use the exact image in my example?
Huh, looks like you did. TBH there's not many good portraits of him in the LOC database AFAIK
This is very weird and cool, and thats a very funny fuct that the texture came from library of congress
Appreciate the compliment. It's certainly weird, I just made it one day because I couldn't think of anything else so I just did whatever popped into my head. Just thought I'd share because some people love this kind of thing
very nice look