Monday, December 30, 2024 - 05:04
Art Type:
The real life stimulant that can make any soldier stand up and get ready to fight real hard.
Inside the zip you can find the .blend file with the models, the .kra files and a folder with the textures in .png (albedo and normals).
Pls don't ban me. XD
Made in Blender 3.3.1 and Krita 5.2.6.
Happy new year to everybody. :-)

This label may be a bit too close to a trademark.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
... The 'viagrinil' one? it's inspired in 'viagra' i will try to change the desing. Or you mean the title 'sildenafil'? thats the name of the quemical.
Yes, Viagrinil. To the best of my knowledge, the chemical name can't be trademarked and should be fine on the label. Viagri(nil) is only one letter changed from Viagra. Which is generally not enough to prevent "Brand confusion". A bit like a generic software brand called "Microsolfs Windovvs". They'd get sued. :PEDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Fixed. :-)
LOL! Thanks.