Help running Flare 0.16
I've compiled Flare 0.16 on Fedora (16) (using only g++, not cmake), which works fine. I've also compiled it on Ubuntu (12) (again, using g++) and it does not work. It starts fine, but it hangs if I press 'Play' and it crashes if I press 'Configuration'.
Compiling didn't produce any output.
Starting the game displays the following:
rawing@rawing-laptop:~$ Desktop/flare_v016/flare
No tileset config found! Defaulting to 64x32 isometric tiles.
No autopickup config found! Turning autopickup off by default.
there is no soundcard
1 joystick was found:
Joy 0) ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer
Using joystick #0.
And if I press 'Configuration':
Could not load image "/usr/share/games/flare/images/menus/config.png" error "Couldn't open /usr/share/games/flare/images/menus/config.png"
Any suggestions on how to get it working?
Looks like it can't locate any of the game's data. Take the "mods" folder and place it inside /usr/share/games/flare/
The mods folder already existed at that location. (How was that ever created? I haven't compiled or played as root.) I replaced it, and now it kind of works (screenshot in the attachments). Gameplay works fine now, but the entire GUI is messed up.
Edit: Gameplay doesn't work properly either. FPS seem to be pretty low, which wasn't the case with 0.15, and some mobs run away from me when I attack them.
If at some point you did a "make install" it could have created that mods folder.
That's unusual. Are you using source and game-data from the same version? E.g. compiling from the latest github but using the mod folder from the packaged v0.16 release? A lot of the layout code for various menus has been updated lately, so you'll have to use matching versions.
mods/fantasycore/menus/config.txt is probably the file that isn't correct
I see, the folder I've replaced was from 0.15. I installed that from the Software Center. I've deleted /usr/share/games/flare and it works perfectly now. Thanks for your help.