One Question about Dev Content
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 - 10:17
What software use developers to make maps, enemies, objects etc spells efects etc... .. (design)?. i want make my own mod with custom maps, npcs, classes, enemys, item models etc.. I want download all software for make new content.
We use Tiled for maps. The latest Windows nightly builds of Tiled (see the sidebar on ) have the up-to-date Flare map plugin.
To make new enemies/spells/etc currently requires editing plain text files. Example, look at Flare's mods/fantasycore/enemies/*.txt files to see enemy definitions.
Igor is working on an optional GUI editor for a lot of that data.
Note that we're cleaning up a lot of the structure of all the data, and will keep doing so until Beta (where we'll try to finalize everything). So content you make now may have to be updated for newer versions of Alpha/Beta engine.
Thanks for reply, i see the warrior and mage models, and wanted to ask if you have thought about when creating a new character, choose your class instead of avatar, and depending on the type chosen, have a skill tree (yes, I love the Diablo II xD). FLARE I think has the potential to make a game similar to the aforementioned characteristics, and that it is still in an alpha / beta, I do not want to imagine a release.
Congratulations on the project, the truth is that these two latest updates are very good, especially that of the gear, which was what I had thought in the source editing, but I see that the developers went ahead :)
If we add starting classes it will just be default starting choices. We'll continue to have a "classless" system, where people can mix and match from different trees during the game.
If someone else adds the feature of specific classes restricted to certain power trees, and they implement it well and it's backwards compatible with the current sytem, we can consider merging it with base Flare.