CC0 Scraps
Miscellaneous crude or ancient scraps which are incomplete, rough concepts, abandoned and/or of poor quality and as such don't warrant submission as is.
Posted here on the off chance that someone can extract something of worth from them.
No need for attribution.
All assets here are granted under CC0 1.0 Universal.
If you do make use of some of it would be cool to hear about it, but this is purely optional.
I must disagree. ;) Some of this stuff does look good! Its much better than i can do. It would be better to go ahead and submit these. Without the art tags they will be forgotten in the forums, and then they will never be used. Plus, you get points! :)
Dragon and forest tiles next to lego ones looks amazing, you should submit those at least
Not only would these be good enough for some projects to use as-is, they would provide a solid base for edits or expansion. Ofc, by making it CC0 he's made it so anyone could upload them anyway, but yeah.
Thanky you for uploading.
They are very useful for me.
I really wouldn't mind seeing a few of these on the main site either!
Misc pixelart:

Ancient stuff made for DCGames:

If you want some of them on the site then CC0 certainly permits it. I just don't care enough.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
have to agree with other posters, actually find most of the things good-looking. It would be nice to play against the ant for instance :P
More scraps:

Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Holy crap those are Aweasome , I totally dig the last images !!
OK, guys. I'll post up the platformer/sidescroller tiles and characters if someone else will do the other stuff. This stuff is too good to not be in the main archive.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
surt, I'm on a path that probably leads to using some of your other tilesets in a released game. I've been having a heck of a time trying to produce tiles in your same style. I see some good stuff here I would most likely be able to incorporate also.
Are you open to requests (free or not free), to continue on new tiles or complete some of the incompletes?
I'm looking for caves, castles, and a more expanded "outside" set. You work does seem to fit a lot of the style that I had planned.
You may request, but whether or not I will be sufficiently interested or sufficiently motivated to satisfy such a request is entirely up to the Fates.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
One word. Awesomeness...
Don't worry surt. I will not let your creations go to waiste =)
Just a simple test of nomal map baking on a cube. blend
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
This thread is a gift that keeps on giving.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Some of the sketches are inspiring. Thanks!
Now abandoned stuff previously posted elsewhere.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
More bored-at-work doodles:
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Great work man ... I really love the Shark-Rex in fact I think I am gonna "steal" the Idea and make a mascot out of it.
: )
nice ones... but "bored at work"? Please don't tell me you work for the government somewhere :p
For the record, I have used these concept pieces ( as the basis for some of the test sprites made for this game:
Thanks for making these resources available!
The sprites look great ... but the gameplay kinda sucks.
Ancient is a bit overgrown.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Oh heck yes. Those are absolutely perfect for what I'm working on atm.
I guess this is spam, but 'spam' in an awesomeness way. I haven't seen someone doodle so much (here) so as just a looker really awesome. You really seem to have a lotta time on your hand.
Keep it coming though ! :)
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
why haven't I seen these sooner! o_O where is the report awesomeness button?
Thanks again to Surt for providing his ancient dragon concept, which was used as the basis of the big dragon here:
I might do the others at some point as well (or maybe someone else will?).
Original here.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Is that a swamp dragon from discworld? quite lovely, i also like a lot the promotionable creatures (imp and dragon) can you do more of those but with weird creatures?
Danimal: Is Konqi, see link. Don't know what you mean by "promotionable creatures".
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Sorry for my bad expression, i meant it like "growth phases" just like the devil becoming stronger or the dragon getting bigger. I am kind of a sucker for that and might end up modeling some of those in 3D (the 3rd devil is COOL). So, do you think you can come up with a few more of those? monsters are way more attractive than human on that aspect (because they only get more armor on then normally)
Hey Surt! Really cool to offer all this Stuff. I totally love your Kobold!
You can see him here in Action, will use him in my game as basis-worker:
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Great work man, except for the toothed turd XD which is kinda comical. Wasp soldier and scythe alien are quite cool.