Modified 32x32 Treasure chest
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 10:06
Art Type:
- Don't list this collection in the archive RPG
- 2D
- 2D assets topview
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32 bit roguelike
- 32x32
- 32x32 CC0 JRPG-ish style
- ???
- Assets
- Battler
- Bits and Bobs
- Bogumil's Journey
- C0 fantasy modern game
- CF Inspiration
- Circle Graphic like art
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Fantasy Item Icons
- Game Art
- icons and items
- Impyrean options
- Inkaball assets
- Items
- Kymiball (Game Jam) assets
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- Must Use
- MyGame
- Objects & Items
- Orthogonal Fantasy 32x RPG Graphics | CC0 or CC-BY
- pixelart-game
- PLATAGO! Sir Blastalot Asset Pack
- Public Domain Characters and Items
- RPG Game
- RpgMakerAssets
- Sprites
- Tales of Clicker Knights RPG
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- To Consolidate
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top-down 2D RPG
- Top-Down RPG (Orthographic)
- Ultimate TableTop
- Unity Adventure Prototype
- Viewpoint - Orthogonal Sprites
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
- Zelda Like RPG
- [Airos] [32x] Retro Game Sprites
One of the 32x32 treasure chests by Blarumyrran modified to keep the lid on while open (and for transparency & size)

ahhh Very nostalgic
wow, very good, i'm using this! ;D
Very nice, im using this! In my upcoming game Rise Of A King!
Nice !! thanks ;DDD
BEAUTIFUL! May I ask your name so I can credit you? I know it isn't required but this is too good not to.
Would you be willing to do the metal chest as well? And Possibly a key?
Hi Spiritbolt,
I consider this a very small, unprofessional edit to someone else's hard work. I do not need credit, and would prefer all credit be made to the original author.
I have not worked on any games since I graduated from college in 2014 and became a full time software engineer. Therefore, I don't really have time to work on any art requests, paid or otherwise. My apologies.
Thanks for your compliments.
Hi and ty.