I demand that someone make this game
See mockup, attached below. Assets by dogchicken and Buch. :)
- http://opengameart.org/content/cat-fighter-sprite-sheet
- http://opengameart.org/content/cute-monster-sprite-sheet
- http://opengameart.org/content/minimal-sidescroller-tileset
Other assets:
- http://opengameart.org/content/skull-monster-sprite-sheet
- http://opengameart.org/content/flying-tongue-monster-sprite-sheet
- http://opengameart.org/content/minimalist-pixel-tileset
An art collection with all of these:
I had the same idea, that's why I made this collection.
I was thinking the same too.
I also thought it would be cool to have a forum thread just for fun quick-and-dirty remixes like this just for shits-and-giggles.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Surt, that is a great idea, people could make mockups and inspire people to make games... there oughta be links to the original art though.
Much like combining pieces of clothing that others would never have thought of....
[edit] here is my mockup, I tried combining it with Blarget2's tiles, it works very well, also, splitting the tiles up in 8 * 8, makes for some interesting possibilities. (don't mind my terrible level design)
Sounds great.
I have plans to make more monsters :)
Yeah... Sounds like a good idea... I might have a try at putting together some kind of game as soon as I get some time
Yes. Just yes. I might give a try over the weekend. I'll probably be using pyglet/pymunk.
Hey guys,
Since Bart demanded that this game be made, I guess I have no choice but to make this game for the Android XD. I will post up the finished product in Google Play (free of course) and also a runnable jar file here for the PC. The source code and the assets will be open source in BitBucket with CC-BY SA license. The source code will be fully documented so even non-programmers can learn something. I will be using LibGDX so the game will be playable in Android, WebGL-enabled browsers, and PC.
I will get started after my finals which is Dec. 19 and the game should be up and running before the 25th. I don't know how many levels I can make but I'll make as many as possible.
Before I can get started though this game needs the following:- A title
- UI set
- Background music
- Visual effects set
- Sound effects set
If none of the above are specified/provided in this thread then I'll just scavenge them myself. Don't complain if my choices are bad XD
New easy to use sprite and more animation add at 'cat fighter sprite sheet'
Titles -
Ninja Neko? Doom Cat? Gentleman Pounce vs the Legions of Snow?
I'd probably go for something simple and grayscale for the UI
Ninja Neko sounds good makrohn. Agreed with simple and grayscale ui.
On a side note, do you guys want me to record the entire project development (live commenary) and post it up on YouTube? Well, I'll do it anyways so everyone can follow step by step, line by line.
P.S. I don't want to spam this thread so I'll respond only when extremely necessary (I'll be reading everything here though).
Not that I wish to take on a full game project, but I'd been working on a platform engine created with GameMaker and didn't have any sprites yet to use while I implemented the player animation.
So I thought why not.
No fighting or attack moves implemented yet, just walking and jumping done with the arrow keys.
If you want a feel of what the character could look like in a game you can download it (for PC only) with the following links.
RAR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oh4xtqrgjgz7bcy/GM_FighterCat.rar
Exe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ejpamak12mw2rmj/GM_FighterCat.exe
As a note, I don't think I got all the sprite frames aligned correctly. I might have. I'm not certain.
Games Art and Design Graduate
Kung Fu Kitten versus the Nomsters
<Monster 1 Update>
+ Add idle and jump animations.
+ New sprite sheet for easy to use.
I think the cat is more close to Kung Fu or matial arts than ninja.
"Fist Of The Cat"
[mrkrunkles] Wow, cool. I'm glad to see the cat moving well in screen.
the cat-fist? Like the ranma 1/2 martial arts technique where you throw a kid into a pit of starving cats while wrapped in fish products until they snap and start acting like a cat?
It's what comes to mind for me at least. D:
the cat-fist? Like the ran
Enter the Kitten
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
New monster comming ->
So despite me saying that I wasn't gonna try and create a full game, I will at least be attempting to create a basic engine and a few levels. I don't wish to take away from Vestrel's attempt either, I'm sure the karate kat can feature in multiple games. : )
I've updated my first version and it currently has the following features:
Features that I will add:
The latest version will be available here in both .RAR and .EXE for the PC: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/quleyjljb56zut4/Jer4ALi9aK#
I will post here with updates, next update will be after I have some basic combat implemented with at least 1 melee attack and some more interaction with enemies.
Until I get the basic features implemented this will be a closed project, I'm not promising any final results either. I am not a coder, but I think I have enough experience with GameMaker and GML to make something that could be enjoyable with the consent of DogChicken.
If I do complete the game engine than anyone should be able to create levels using the free version of GameMaker 7, a Mac version would also be possible if I find someone with a GM8 license who is willing to convert the file.
Games Art and Design Graduate
Good job mrkunkles. It's a good guidline for me when I get started coding the game. Hope too more progress soon.
Awesome work mrkrunkles!
This give me strength to make more monsters.
Now monster here!
Quick update, no new playable version yet.
Currently working on the basic combat mechanics, which is by far the most complicated aspect of the game I have in mind. Might be a few days before I update again.
I have added a basic parallax background system.
Updated enemies with idle animations that DogChicken created.
Started work on combat (actually have most of the complicated stuff done, just smoothing it out and messing about with timings.)
Games Art and Design Graduate
You are really experienced to make platform game :)
Expecting next update.
I can always do saome levels if you guys are interestede ... Idd perfer to meke them in Tiled .
Version 0.25 of my work-in-progress platform game.
Download at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/quleyjljb56zut4/Jer4ALi9aK
WASD/ Arrow Keys to move and jump
J and K to attack
Still not much to it at the moment.
List of things still to do:
Enemies that attack
More Enemies
More attacks
Background music and sound effects
Level goals
Games Art and Design Graduate
Game Objects are become more richness.
I'm try game and feel need more actions for cat.
like.. jump shot or air dash.
I'll do make that.
This is mockup of cat movement what I think.
Work with 'unity3d' and based my old personally project.
Arrow keys = move
Z = punch
X = kick
C = jump
* cat can spinning jump when doing jump.
* make some combos with punchs and kicks.
Just what I had in mind =) Except what I had in mind is a little more involved. I have already implemented this but do you think the ollowing is a little too complicated? I'll finish the game before Tuesday. Will not post playable till then =)
PS. each move has bonus visual effects as well as game logic. I wanted something along the lines of street fighter gameplay. But maybe I should make executing these moves easier?
Nekko Combo sheet
Power Shot
Flying Kick
Super Uppercut
One Two Combo
Low-Middle Kick
High Kick
Downward Kick
Two-Sided Attack
Round Kick
[Cat fighter addon]
+ jump shot
+ jump shot to down
+ Power shot to air
+ fast shot to air
+ super shot
Vestrel00 >
Fight like street fighter, that must be fun!!
I agree using skills by command input.
But, I think fast and short skills using by command input are make game too hard.
Like uppercut , round kick , one two combo.. I think they don't need command.
Just auto combos by attack key is ok.
Or you can make them more powerful moves by using repeat part of sprite sheet.
Whenever I see a spritesheet like that I always start doodling...you never know where
you end up...in this case; ninjas...bunny ninjas...fox fighter...and...ehh...a something something.
Not sure what it is, but I'm pretty sure it eats kung-fu kitties ;)
I hope they also join in the game soon :)
Energy ball effects are add
Check here
Hey guys,
It seems like 5 days was not enough for me to write a full-featured game from scratch. I will need about 2 more days to complete the project. For now, check out what I have so far on the link below.
As soon as I complete the project and put it up on GooglePlay and IndieDB, I'll post up the project in the projects thread with the links to everything including the YouTube videos and public repository at BitBucket
Until then, happy holidays =)
P.S. I took up dogchiken's suggestion of making the controls simple so now all you need to do to perform combos is to hit the four buttons on the bottom of the screen. Touch anywhere else to jump and tilt your phone to move left or right. Well, I will include an instruction manual though it's pretty intuitive.
I really like this and your youtube game making tutorials.
Completed a remix of dogchicken's Cat Fighter. How about a second player with Dog Fighter?
Game is up and running =) (finally T_T) Please check out the links below.
OGA Forum thread
Google Play Download Link
Downloaded and played it on my phone. Works just fine on my old LG P500, even with a big horde of enemies on the screen.
The game is frantic, so frantic that I have no idea what's going on when I'm playing...it quickly devolved into random button mashing :(
Other than that, awesome effort :D
Wow, Finally!!
thanks for playing =)
madmarcel it didn't devolve into a button mashing game. It is a button mashing game from the start lol XD. I believe it is the first sentence in the description "Action-packed button-mashing game. Enough said XD"
It is all I could come up with in a short amount of time. Plus I'm saving my creativity for my other (main) project.
I don't expect people to play the game for any more than 30 mins right after download. Hey even I can't play it for longer than 10 ><
Yeah, 10 minutes max is what I managed. Might get my wife to give it a go ;)
I knew it was a button mashing game, what I meant was: There are button mashing games where you know what is going on at all times and you know you are achieving something...this one...not quite. I'm mashing buttons frantically, but I have no idea what is going or if I am achieving something :-o
Still, am very impressed that it worked so well on my old phone with no crashes or glitches.
BTW some of the (menu) buttons where either a bit unreponsive or the hitbox was a bit too small? (Either that or fat thumbs on a small touch screen ;)
Will be interesting to see if someone else will take your code as a starting point and do something else with it. (I might, and if I do I will let you know ;)
I was not planning to keep going with this project for a while but I see that it is essential that I make another game mode that is more than random button mashing and improve button responsiveness. Mainly the resume and quit buttons which are a little misleading because the resume and quit "buttons" does not actually respond to touches. It is by touching the "quit" and "resume" text that actually quits and resume the game. I will change this as soon as I get home tonight.@
please wait for the next game mode which I should implement asap. Give me 2 days. I will not sleep. I have to thank madmarcel for this since it made me realize that I can't make a game half heartedly ask did with this. Forget saving my creativity. I'm going all out on this one! So please don't uninstall just yet or give it a 1star rating. I will soon get you hooked on KungFu Nekko!!!
On second thought, I will need 4 days (not 2) since I have homework to do (I'm taking a winter class). So version 2.0.a should be out by Monday the 7th. I probably won't get started until this Friday so I would appreciate it if you give me more constructive criticism (give'm to me! I want them XD).
So stuff I got from you so far:- More responsive buttons - bigger hit boxes(pause, options, quit, and resume).*
- Game mode that involves less monsters on the screen
- Game mode that has a level goal other than defeating as many monsters as possible for a limited time.
*Note about the game mode selection buttons (where "Last Stand" is) and the map selection buttons (where "Final Fortress", etc is). If you touch the "Last Stand" button it is by my design that you will not be able to touch anything else before it finishes fading out and in to the next screen. The same goes for the map selection buttons. I turn off touch detection during this phase because touching the Final Fortress button, for example, will create a new Map object which takes a bit of time to create so if touch detection is not disabled, the user has the ability to cause a heap overflow (which would crash the app) by repeatedly tapping one of the map selection buttons before they finish loading. I just wanted to mention this because you might be wondering... I will include this paragraph in my next news post to IndieDB as others may be wondering about it as well.
Whoa nelly, hold your horses. You don't make it easy for yourself do you?
There are no deadlines, only what you set for your self.
Rebooted my phone and played a few games of KungFuNekko, understand now why I thought buttons were unresponsive. So ignore that.
Button size is ok, except for the select and start button, hard to hit on my phone, which may or may not be a good thing (don't want to hit them accidentally)
If you were to do more work on this game, I would suggest that you concentrate on adding more in game content/different game modes.
Hello again Open Game Art.
A while back I tried to implement the cat fighter sprites into a simple platform engine I was working on.
Recently I was exploring using a scripting method involving state machines and thought that to help me understand these better I'd use the Cat Fighter sprites in a small test project.
So this is a link to the practice project. It is just one level with no end, custom controls can be set in the options.
Default controls: A,W,S,D to move, H to attack and space to jump.
Up and attack: uppercut
Down and attack: dash spin
Space in air: double jump
DL link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k3x984jujs84kry/NinjaCat_001.exe
This isn't really a project I plan on finishing, I just thought I'd put this here for interests sake.
Games Art and Design Graduate