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SVG Isometric tileset
Johann C
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 - 01:59
Art Type:
2D Art
GPL 3.0
2D - Isometric Tiles
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SVG Isometric tileset
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i like your art style and it seems like a complete art assets for a game, may i know what was the intention to create this tileset? it is for what type of game?
Actually, I've made 2 HTML/Javascript games with this tileset. A programming game and a sokoban game.
The first one is available here (in french). Some levels are still missing: "while" loops (like 1,2,3), recursive functions (1,2,3), or multithreading (1,2,3).
The sokoban game is not packaged (not enough levels... level design is really a pain in the neck). As I added some enhancements to the classic sokoban, I've just made levels to present those new game functionalities. For example: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.
There is a huge bug concerning svg display on webkit. Chrome may have some issues with both games (I am waiting for the fix). Firefox works fine. I didn't try IE (don't think it works).
nice effort and great cause! i tried both web apps on chrome Version 30.0.1599.114 on debian 7, i didn't notice any svg bug except the robot in sokoban game has scaling problem when it turns "face the player".
did you do the art and coding all by yourself?
Yes, this scaling issue is the bug I was talking about. It can be clearly worse (I still didn't understand how it works... or how it doesn't work. The "face to the player" is actually the initial state of the robot, and that's just weird). Sokoban on iPad (with safari), for example, is just awful, and because of that, it is hardly playable. Anyway, the bug is opened on chromium bug tracker, so, I'm just waiting.
I made art and code.
Nice graphics. They remind me of someone who said that vector graphics can be as complex as pixel ones, it's just a matter of how much work you put in. He might be right... For 2D gaming SVG itself could be the best you can have as it resizes without quality loss, so the game would look the same on every screen. But i find it complicated to make stuff like collision detection, rotating and such... The number of SVG games out there proves me right i guess. Most games are made in Canvas, so is mine. Check out the space ship and station sprites i uploaded - here and here for example. I wonder if these complex images are possible in SVG... SVG seems to be slow when thousands of objects exist at the same time - there Canvas is faster i read.
For my opinion, you really can do what you want with SVG, even complex graphics.
But I agree that it is clearly harder to use SVG in games than pixel based sprites. I guess it should be possible (adobe flash uses vector graphics very well), but I don't know any good library to do this kind of stuff with SVG. Anyway, for the moment, that's not a problem for me, because :
. It allows building a lot of non-action games (where a high frame rate is not really important)
. You can easily convert SVG into bitmap (inverse is not really possible) and upgrade this export if necessary. I tried something like that for the LPC. Graphics have been done under descriptive formats (SVG and .blend, I don't even use any bitmap textures) then I exported them into bitmap format for my shoot'em up game on GNU/Linux. The result was kind of good.
Hello, im new here, really im a programmer, not a designer, but i want to say to Johann C tham im working in my first project in Lua, with Gideros, and im using his graphics:
Hello Johann :)
it is a sokoban-like game, simpler than yours, hope that will like you and other gamers...
I saw the lisences and i decide to use your graphics, hope no problem with that.
The game will be free, and you'll appear as the originar graphics designer on it, thanks for your work!
Thank you in advance.
Really awesome art!
Aloha, Your game works fine on IE. Just thought I'd let you know. Mahalo
Nice job there.
I'm using parts of this tileset in my game.
Thanks for sharing.