Candy Jam Pixel Candy
Saturday, January 25, 2014 - 04:05
Art Type:
I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a game for this jam or not. So I made some crummy crappy pixels instead and decided to let everyone else use them too. No credit at all is necessary. Hell I wouldn't credit me if I found these somewhere on the net. Any way, these are mostly to be used as place holders any way until you get something better. The idea is for a catching type game. Candies, swords, potions, and hearts are good. Skulls and crowns are bad. 4 colors of candy brick tile included.
(it'd be nice, if you did use these, tell me what you used them for, thanks!)

These could be useful. Thanks for making them!
Your welcome! Thanks for liking them!
i noticed a small glich on this: the pink colored thing has exactly the same color like the background (both ff0cef)
Not a glitch really the pink colored candy is the color it's supposed to be. I just chose the background color cause it's sort of a default for me and I didn't just want it to be plain white. So no glitch and it's not transparent. So no worries. :)
Thanks for the favorite by the way!
Is there a reason you didn't use a transparent background?