Beetle Golem [Animated]
Thursday, June 12, 2014 - 11:58
Art Type:
I've added animation to killyoverdrive's Beetle Golem.
The animations have been split into separate actions.
Animations(Look under the "OLD_AnimationLine" Action):
idle1 [heavy breathing]: 1-50
idle2 [light breathing]: 50-100
walk: 105-145
attack right: 150-200
attack left: 200-250
hurt left: 250-280
hurt right: 280-310
death: 310-365
start sleep[end sleep in reverse]: 370-440
sleep idle: 440-530

I like it. But in my opinion, you should be more carefull with texture. That one you provide looks like it baked with blender. It looks ok but belive me, I see it, you can do it better, you have that potencial.
Just a quick update. I've spruced up the animation in places and added two new animations.
thanks for your reply canisferus. the model's texture is the original one from killyoverdrive. I just used his rigging to bring it to life. ;)
I <3 it. Imported it into one of my old game.
glad you like it! I haven't had the chance to see the model in action. so tell me if you see any strange looping issues.
Hey i used this item in my second android game and added you in credits.
Check it out: