Landscape Asset v1
Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 07:23
Art Type:
- 3D - Packs
- 3D Stuff - Interesting
- CC0 - 3D Platform Tiles
- CC0 Buildings
- CC0 Buildings Kit
- CC0 Nature
- City Simulation
- Delivery Game
- HQ Exteriors & Landscapes
- kenney-esque
- Low Poly Stuff
- Low-Poly Assets
- LowPoly Environment
- modular 3D asset packs
- OK Game Art
- Other 3D Player Props under CC0
- Pixel city
- Prototype Stuff
- Something
- Telecom
This is a low poly 3D Landscape asset based on isometric-road-tiles from Kenney
It's the first set I created and will create more based on this set.
Feel free to let me know what you did with them. allways curious to see stuff I create being used :)
for more info check my site or follow me on twitter @eracoon
Have fun
Check out version 2 of the Landscape Asset

I was going to say "Nice! Someone should make a game out of these!" - and then I read on your website they're a teaser for your project... Eager to see more, good work on these!
Wow these look great! Thanks for sharing them as cc0!
thank you for mentioning this.
I will change that on my website.
Thsi is the first assets. I will be making more expansions :)
nice work eracoon reminds me of simcity only cooler cant wait to see more (boats planes airport I can see it now)
Thank you Anthony
I have boats and such in the planning but no airport.
Need to figure out some positioning stuff for planes first... but then again I'm only making the assets!
the ones using it should make themagic happen.
I'm curious to see though what has been created with those assets.
Please let me know. I wanna see :)
It is better to get the Landscpae assets V2. It contains all there assets plus an expansion for rivers, canals , an expanded bridge and a new tunnel.
thisi version contains an older version of the tunnel though if you preffer it.
have fun
It is better to get the Landscpae assets V2. It contains all there assets plus an expansion for rivers, canals , an expanded bridge and a new tunnel.
thisi version contains an older version of the tunnel though if you preffer it.
have fun
how to download them all?
I like the clean graphic style.
So flat. Cool!
This is nothing compared to the second version of this asset pack and the vehicles assets :)
Love the look of this pack, and would like to have a play with it in Unreal Engine 4.
Do you know how I can import it and get all the correct colouring with it?
(Noob in UE, managed to import it but no colouring, and only 1 element to colour so I couldn't manually apply colours either.)
Hello Max,
thank you for your comment.
I have no experience with the Unreal engine.
That is something I will pick up soon though.
as far as the colouring. all the objects have an uvmap and the texture for it is in the pack.
I guess you have the find how to assign the texture to the object to have them on the object.
I'm curious though as to way you dont try the newer version of this pack. I contains more objects so that you can create even more complex landscapes. check out my other releases also
show me what you made when your finished...
to learn something its better to have a dealine to push yourself.
you have 2 weeks to create a landscape in the unreal engine an be able to walk around it ... GO :)
Hi Jim,
I think I did download version 2, it is just that I came looking here for a place to ask this question, and searched for the pack and ended up here.
I'm currently working on a chess based puzzle game, and was thinking ahead to one of my future games, where this pack would fit nicely, so it is unlikely I'll have anything to show in 2 weeks hehe.
I think the issue with importing into Unreal Engine, is that I first have to convert to fbx format (I think I had to do that, it was about 3 weeks ago now) which I would have done in blender(and which I am a n00b in) , and Unreal Engine requires 2 UV maps if I recall. A new version is coming out very soon of UE which handles model imports a bit better so I think I will just wait for that before I try again.
Ok then... take your time, I was just kidding with the 2 weeks.
Anyway. good point. I will export to fbx in the future... everything to make it easier for you all.
I just want my stuff to be used and talked about :)
unforatunatly I cannot help with the Unreal Engine part. I think you have more experience in it allready. I never used.
you can contact me on my website if you like
If you want you could keep me updated on your progress :)
Good luck
thank you :)
Awesome Sauce!
thanks :)
Awesome landscape!! Thanks ;)