Base Human Models (Low Poly)
- 3-D Assets for "Closed Source Projects"
- 3D Humanoids
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- Base Meshes
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Here are my base human models. I use them for pre-rendered art for 2D games (isometric RPGs and side scrollers), where the low poly count isn't a factor.
The models use all quads -- this makes some tasks easier: subdividing, adding loops, sculpting, etc. Each model has 408 quads and a very basic UV mapping. Units = meters.
The rigging uses simple vertex groups. The hands use only enough rigging to pose fists or weapon grips. Because of the low poly count, some extreme poses will leave messy joints. The male/female faces have no details and the foot is as if wearing shoes (i.e. the toes aren't modeled). The bodies have very basic proportions (heroes might be taller and more muscular).
Blender format.
(Update 2012-11-24)
Updated the license to CC-BY 3.0

your models saved me a lot of time and probably look better than what I'd ever do :) I needed to re-mesh them tough (As our engine doesn't support offsetted bones).
I think the meshs are awesome and may become our game's base mesh. If so, I'll (of course) notice you and credit you. Same for some of your weapon-set.
Glad to see this being used! If you get the models working with your not-offset-bones fix, can you post them here at OGA?
I will put them here, or at least give them to you to add them to this post because they are really yours, I just tuned them a bit :) The boy is working, the lady not yet. Here is a video of my prototyping:
I have been looking around for nice low-poly human models that deform decently, and yours are them! THANK YOU!!!! Just one problem- I think you should have deleted a few vertices from the lower arm group, as it shrinks a bit when bending. GOOD JOB!!! KEEP IT UP!!! ;)
Very good thanks, prob use it as a background character, or adjust it to be used as a main xD
Love it!
May I ask for a different format?
The reason I'm asking is that I finally need all models in Collada 1.4 and I use Softimage ModTool. I tried the exporter for blender but that fails to create a valid file (no surfaces just the vertices), the xsi exporter product crashes ModTool and with the fbx exporter there is no visible result at all.
I don't know what to do if all format conversion fail :-(
Galun, unfortunately if Blender exports don't work then I don't know where to go from there. I also don't have Collada or ModTool to test files with. Anyone know of another intermediate format that will preserve most or all of the data?
your sorted under rigged meshes, yet its not rigged
Rigged just means it has an armature and can be posed, right?
ya thats what it means :)dont know what the anon guy was talking about :P
Just letting you know I just released a skin of your male model, here:
@ pfunked : is your heroe in flare coming from this model ?
If I'm right, there is no animated human model on OGA, I might try animating this one in the future.
Tartos: yes the flare hero comes from this model.
However, I neglected to apply the Scale to this model (to reset it to 1.0 in all dimensions). If you'll be doing animations I suggest starting with these
Seconded on wanting this in another format. Some of us can't use Blender to save our lives, even to export to a more universal file format.
how do you get a "template skin" for the female?
Can you convert it to either OBJ or 3DS format (no bones at all on the exported model is okay) for non-Blender users like me?
This ... is ... awesome.
Can I use it in my simple non-commercial game? It is much better than any model I made.
Blender is free and it has an option to export into .obj or other formats...
Awesome models Clint! UV maps are perfect too!:) Thank you very much for sharing!
Clint, thank you so, so very much for this simple and effective model. I've been digging for a simple human mesh like this for generic drawing purpose, not just for game art creation. I just couldn't bother to make my own simple human mesh from scratch!
Thanks, dude! This'll save me a lot of work with expertise I don't have. I'm making a 2D platformer game, and these are PERFECT! I'll give you the URL so you can check it out when it's finished.
Check the license - the Creative Commons. You are free to edit and use it, as long as you give Clint credit, and if you edit it, distribute it under the same license.
Updated this to CC-BY 3.0.
it wont work for me it keeps saying that its damaged.
Thanks! You helped me a lot!
Was looking for 3D-models to use for a prototype game I am programming now, so this is golden for me. Thank you for saving me some time Clint :).
What a great job.
Amazing work, thank you, saved my time.
THanks i will prove this caracter on Unity
hey i will use your assets for the OpenGameArt Winter Game Jam 2021 i will post ur info there
It's beautiful
thanks i am using this good work
Nice! i'm definitely gonna use this!