New flare mod - contributors wanted
Hi All,
Its been a while since ive been online for various reasons, but im still doing some work with flare. When I have the time, I have been working on a new mod. It still needs a lot of work before it will play like real game but theres enough done to get the gist of the what im trying to do. A lot of the map, player powers, npc and enemy work is done. Theres plenty more work to be done on enemies, maps and loot. Although I was trying to create a mod to work with the existing engine, theres also a few programming tweaks needed.
I have uploaded the files to a new git repo at the below address. The mod also requires the fantasycore and alpha demo mods.
The basic goals are to create a small game which will work on the v1 flare engine, which can be called complete with an achievable scope, which shows off some of the newer engine features and shows off some of the previously unused flare art from opengameart. The current files include all of the flare ready enemy graphics submitted to this site, including the nice work recently submitted by VWolfdog.
Compared to the alpha demo, i have tried to focus a bit more on character development. Leveling is much quicker and goes higher. Theres a slightly different approach to player powers, allowing the player to invest multiple skill points to improve a power. The powers may appear to be over powered but this is intentional and will be offset with more powerful enemies and greater quantities. The plan is to also 'unlock' new powers after completing certain quests. So the powers would not all be immediately available at the beginning of the game.
After the main game content, the player can go to the alpha demo maps where the enemies will be beefed up as appropriate to the player level. The current 'unknown location' areas will be replaced with areas containing uber bosses to tackle after completing the main game.
At this point, im hoping that somebody might want to join me on this and work on the mod together. If anyone is interested, I would be happy for them to take control of specific parts of the mod e.g. map development or eqipment. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
I have completed this game and I must say it was really easy. The enemies barely scratched the (health) surface. Basically the whole game was just a giant massacre. :D
Even the boss enemies were no obstacle at all.
I think the player is simply overpowered. I also noticed that the multi-shot skill is very deadly even when not maxed out. You can slaughter whole battlefields with just a few multi-shots.
It is interesting that this game comes with a pretty large amount of abilities, but they weren't really needed for me, because the hero is overpowered. The only ability I used extensively was multi-shot and bow shot. At the end stages, I did not use the sword so often, although I even maxed out the physical skill. The reason for this is that multi-shot gets rid of enemies much faster, while the melee attack only hits a few in short range. And I haven't even maxed out offence.
So this game clearly needs more balancing.
I liked the large forest areas, large open areas like these are great for combat. But the overall world design was way too linear for my taste.
About the map design, I think it is already pretty nice, but certainly their quality is clearly not as high as of the maps of the defaul campaign. Especially the “indoor” maps were pretty boring, but most outdoor areas were OK.
Some bugs:
There is a misplaced grass tile somewhere at the south border of Northwood.
Ascent Dungeon: The stairs are drawn above the hero.
I agree that game needs balancing and hero is overpowered, This was done for testing purposes. Unfortunatelly (while I own the repo) I am not skilled game plot (and game data )writer, I am coder who has written the engine. Initially this game was written by Ryan Dansie, who abandoned this project... If you have ideas for the game (e.g. finishing last quest), or want to balance the game, you are welcome. Fork the repo and send Pull requests on GitHub.
hi all,
i started to work on a winter / ice tileset based on the grassland tileset
there is an issue with the lighting at the moment i have to fix (i know the reason for that issue, so that is not a big problem)
also i want to add a snowy version of almost everything from the grassland tileset, like the house, or the boxes, even the trees.
here i have a preview image of my work so far.
If you are doing this in Blender and not just by modifying grassland.png, then it's very cool. In near future flare will get Random Map generator tool, it will be a pleasure to get some new winter maps. I had this idea some time ago but have no skills in Blender
the tileset is almost ready,
here a have a preview, where you can see almost every part i have done.
i created a winter-version of all objects included with snow on it, some parts from the original tileset have more variation (by rotating the object) and i also added some new parts too.
these parts could be also used to create a snowy version of an existing map, so you come back in an area where you were before and it is winter there now.
i will release it with source files soon, but there are a few things todo:
license-file, adding the tiles into a bigger "collection" to use as a tileset, also a preview is not done yet.
Looks awesome. I have two suggestions.
1.When you will finish this please send pull request to flare-game repo with modified models (they are stored in art_src folder)
2. When creating resulting png, store old (grassland) objects in the same positions, and add new in the bottom of png file. This will make us easier to write tileset definitions and make grassland/winter versions of the same map
here i have the tileset, with all source blend-files
how to enable core mod to continue on Play Game button in Ubuntu 14.04?
You should download mods from flare-game repository, and place them near your mod, which I see on screenshot
Also, as I see you have placed flare-mod-noname-master into mods folder. It should be new-game-mod subfolder instead, not the root directory
screenshot please
I depends on platform, you are using. Looks like it's Ubuntu. I didn't try flare on Ubuntu, so can't tell you full path to mods folder and can't give you screenshoot. Where have you placed flare-mod-noname-master folder?
You should download flare-game repo and extract mods folder contents to the same folder as you did. Then move contents of flare-mod-noname-master folder one level up. Did you read instructions here ?
I suppose your mods folder is /usr/local/share/flare/mods/
It should have next folders inside it
1 and 2 are from flare game repo, 3 is from noname mod repo