CAEthaver2 Texture Pack
Monday, March 16, 2015 - 05:23
Art Type:
Texture I made a good while ago in the gimp.
Thanks to NASA for the images of the planets.
Thanks to all those who put up texture making tutorials and how tos on the net.
Files are .tga format (loads fast in engines)
There are gloss maps for many textures (_gloss)
(C) Gnu GPL v2

Can you please also add CC BY 3.0 or CC BY-SA 3.0 as an additional licensing option?
Unfortunately no. Many of these textures use gimp materials as their base and the gimp stuff is GPLv2 only IIRC (correct me if I'm wrong).
I could license my suburbtex pack that way however since it doesn't use any base materials and it's all from pictures I took and then edited. Would you like to use suburbtex, it has many marble textures etc.
Also are you the same calinou as here on phoronix:
Calinou is offline Senior Member
Join Date Nov 2012 Location France
Posts 643
Why do you even post this? It's likely filled with lots of illegal art.
(A lie, everything is properly licensed or originally created)
Is Calinou a common nickname, or from an anime
Phoronix did a article on a new release for the ChaosEsque mod of Xonotic and then removed their article once they realized that my assets were distributed with it (they say I should be "blackballed" from opensource because only people with pro-feminist beliefs should be allowed to contribute to opensource)
Is now dual licensed GPLv2 and / or CC-By-SA
If you can figure out what the licensing for gimp materials is, if it's something less restrictive than GPLv2 (and was so 8 years or more ago), then it might be possible to license this pack aswell differently. I know gimp was gplv2 at the time tho so I've licensed this the same. It's possible their materials are pubdomain though, some projects do that.)
This can also be found as pk3 all set up for use in quake and quake3 compatable engines (idtech3, darkplaces, etc) in the ChaosEsque Anthology fork/mod of Xonotic, as that project uses these textures.
(ISO file)
Did some work in the Gimp, made an oil texture. Some gloss maps aswell. Norm map for a wall