flag germanic
Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 19:46
Art Type:
Built For CTF matches in medeval styled levels.
Blend 3d mesh: A german inspired flag. (C) GNU GPL v2
XCF - Source for the texture/skin (.xcf) licensed under the GNU GPL v2
PNG - Texture/skin (.png) licensed under the GNU GPL v2
NOTE: The eagle objects (from the wikimedia project) are in the public domain.
Wood texture is from the Nexuiz GPL Project (old nexuiz) and is under the GPL v2
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
NOTE: The eagle objects (from the wikimedia project) are in the public domain.
Wood texture is from the Nexuiz GPL Project (old nexuiz) and is under the GPL v2

I might be mistaken, but I think the eagle is actually from Austria (but the stuff it holds looks communist o_O ???). Could you link the wikimedia page where you got it from?
P.S.: Germany didn't really exist during medival times, and the current 3 colored flag is an invention of the democratic revolution and as such is maybe 150 years old.
The eagle is indeed from Austria; that is the Austrian coat of arms. And yes, the eagle in the Austrian coat of arms DOES hold a hammer and a sickle.
Yes it is from austria. This flag was for a CTF map that takes place near the present german/austrian border, in an alternative timeline where another Holy Roman Empire or equivelant is ascendant (but still medeval in tech). The map in question is "OpposingCastles", it can be found in the ChaosEsque fork/mod/distribution of Xonotic, amongst many other maps by various contributors.
This and the french flag are used for the medeval maps in said game.
Public domain. Ofcourse that doesn't stop various european (and commonwealth) regimes from banning symbols, freespeech, etc (they all do and love to put men in prison for 4 or more years for what they write).
I wrote germanic rather than german as this is for a fantasy part of a game. It is a replacement for the red team flag, thus the german colours were appropriate. The austrian arms makes the flag look more medeval and hints at a central european state such as the holy roman empire or the hapsburg empire.
"And yes, the eagle in the Austrian coat of arms DOES hold a hammer and a sickle."
And apparently hungary, indonesia, lithuania, poland, and ukrain feel one should be jailed or fined for displaying such workers tools pubically. Hopefully one day these anti-freedom regimes will be replaced (doubt it, europe is all about years-in-prison for ideas-expressed).
"Yes it is from austria. This flag was for a CTF map that takes place near the present german/austrian border, in an alternative timeline where another Holy Roman Empire or equivelant is ascendant (but still medeval in tech). The map in question is "OpposingCastles", it can be found in the ChaosEsque fork/mod/distribution of Xonotic, amongst many other maps by various contributors."
"I wrote germanic rather than german as this is for a fantasy part of a game. It is a replacement for the red team flag, thus the german colours were appropriate. The austrian arms makes the flag look more medeval and hints at a central european state such as the holy roman empire or the hapsburg empire."
Oh, that's an interesting backstory :)
It's been a while since I had my last history class.
But there was a time where Austria and Germany were united as holy Roman empire.
They formed a doubled headed eagle as coat of arms:
Other than that, nice work.