filter out users
Friday, June 5, 2015 - 08:40
Is there any way I can ignore art submissions from certain users? I've found several that post very dubious content and I just don't want to see anything they post so I can look through other submissions more easily.
edit. at the very least is there an option to only see work posted by the creators themselves, and not stuff reposted from other sources?
If neither option is available I hope you'll consider adding it as an option in the future. Thanks. Oh, and maybe the site could have a user rating field that lists how much content has been flagged so other users know to be careful.
A user rating field sounds like a good idea.
What about this alternative: show the artist or submitter name in the thumbnail preview title?
I would like to see this feature especially for music/sound; in this case the preview sucks because you have to click the play button, wait a while for it to load, and most people just use the music/sound alone for the preview instead of a representative excerpt, so it may take a while for me to decide whether I'm interested. However, I know a few musicians' reputations by username, so simply seeing who made that piece of music gives me a good idea of how much I'd like that submission.
This should be very easy to implement.