Quick procedural tileset demo in Processing
Saturday, January 1, 2011 - 07:59
I put this together a little while ago (needs java to run) using http://opengameart.org/content/isometric-64x64-outside-tileset :
Eventually I'll make use of the water tiles, and maybe make it so with time the landscape extrudes hills or valleys randomly.
I wonder if the sketch could be modulated into a "model-tool" so that people here can start creating tilesets in a "standardized" format. This would be a benefit for everyone, because differnt tilesets could be inter-mixed, the processing-sketch could be used for quick & easy viewing... Just some ideas.
I started a thread about creating specification files that would do that sort of standardization:
In a few weeks I might take a stab at creating a very simple format that would work for at least this tileset (and use this sketch to demo it)- I don't think it'll be hard at all, most of the work ought to be in creating the data files for each tileset.
Sounds superb to me. Never underestimated the "power" of a tool - it might inspire people using it and creating (good) tilesets which otherwise they wouldn't do. As processing is so good in web-implementation, we might be able to put this tool "within" OpenGameArt (?) ....