ChaosEsque-Anthology: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic released.
I released a standalone mod of Xonotic.
It is fully free/opensource with all the code GPL, and all the media GPL or CC0 CCBY or CCBYSA (all free/open compatable). The source is included and the mediasource for the added content is included.
It's packaged as an .iso as .zip won't go over 2gb on 32bit systems. Also so you can burn to DVD.
I modeled, and added many weapons (including medeval weapons), added many vehicles, coded spellcasting, foliage for the maps, fun things like bumpers and baloons (which rocket you around if you have the mutator enabled). I made around 40something maps (all gpl) for the mod, in addition to the regular xonotic and nexuiz (gpl) maps included. There are also monsters added (thanks to mario, plus I extended that).
I also used some items from open game art.
OSARE: Skeleton and Minotaur.
OldBook (spell book)
Old Paper texture.
Some CCBYSA songs.
Mario added a spider and a ogre/barbarian monster using opengame art assets.
I'm very glad you're around.
You can also build buildings.
So basically you can do as you wish in this 3d world, and there are many mutators where you can customize your game.
There is even a colorwar option: If you die you join the team of the person that killed you (or if in non-teamgame you become their pants/shirt color).
It adds alot of things, and many more maps and other things I and others made (also more texture packs I made).
The weapons are also more "realistic" in damage and other ways (they kill you quick, guns jam, rockets fail, there is muzzle rise) but still have all the futuristic and medeval weapons.
There are also aeroplanes and such, and mounted weapons.
Be sure to read the movement commands:
Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
Keyboard Controls
Note: When creating or editing maps in NetRadiant for this game disable “Use alternative texture projection” in Preferences>Settings>Brush to keep full compatibility with the pre-fabricated map sections found in data/maps/
To spawn vehicles, mounted guns, turrets, monsters, and hazards randomly in the map go to Multiplayer > Create > Mutators and enable their respective options.
To start a game go to Multiplayer > Create , select a match type, a map, and press “Start Multiplayer!” or “Play”
Vehicles & Mounted Guns
To enter a vehicle or a mounted gun hold F (The “use” key) or E while approaching the vehicle.
To exit a vehicle or a mounted gun press F (The “use” key)
To turn the engine on and take off when in an aeroplane press E + W
To load or reload a vehicle or mounted gun from its ammo reserves press R (The “reload” key)
To replenish the ammo reserves of a vehicle or mounted gun press E + R (The “reload” key)
(Note: fusion reactors will replenish the ammo reserves on a vehicle or mounted gun when in range)
To increase the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Spacebar
To decrease the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Shift
To increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Spacebar
To decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Spacebar
In a vehicle, to decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the speed of the engine press E + W (if the vehicle supports throttling)
In a vehicle, to decrease the speed of the engine press E + S (if the vehicle supports throttling)
To pickup a weapon or item press F (The “use” key)
To reload a weapon press R (The “reload” key)
To attach a suppressor to the .45 Pistol, the Rifle, or the MachineGun (Mac-10)
press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To turn on the flashlight press R (The “reload” key)
To change the color of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To change the focus of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + Shift + R (The “reload” key)
Movement Brawling
To move forward press W. To move backwards press S. Punch: W W Uppercut: Shift + W W
To strafe left press A. To strafe right press D. Kick: W W (While in air (Spacebar))
The default port for a server is 26000 (UDP)
More SShots:
I adjusted a lot in the vehicle's code to make them compatible with master. That also included some simplifying of functions (requiring player to press another button to reload the vehicle ammo is a bit much in a fast paced game like Xonotic).
The monsters will be included (source and all) in the main game once Morphed has finished all 4 of the planned monsters. I'll be holding onto the finished ones until then.
Wow it's been 2 years here!
>(requiring player to press another button to reload the vehicle ammo is a bit much in a fast paced game like Xonotic).
Yea but it potentially creates something a shade like muscle memory when they are met with the same situation in real life.
"I have to load the weapon, pump the pump on the shotgun, pull back the hammer on a single action revolver", etc
(A demographic vanilla xon doesn't cater to, but mod attempts to: making it "feel real" :P )
Some vehicles do reload automatically, but these are "expensive, high quality" military vehicles. Kinda like IRL: some newer systems are totally automated, but there's always the older or simpler systems too.
I guess it's just something we disagree on. I believe games are games, not simulations of real life... they should be geared towards having fun, rather than training for real life warfare.
We don't have to agree, we have git ;-)
Games originally were training for warfare in all cultures, and war was the most sought after game (originally one which only nobles could play). Later an economic aspect to warfare developed (enjoyment was gained from holding territory, collecting cities, and drawing a new map to stare at) and the nobles brought the lower classes into war as their territories increased, various games were introduced to train them and keep them fit.
Any thoughts on the game, feedback?
Release 62
Monster improvements (better models and code (shambler, shalrath, zombie, ogre, etc). 2 weapons added: RA4 lock on surface to air missile, stone axe. Better shaders for potions.
Option for zombies to behave quake-like.
Wasn't gonna mention it, but I myself am getting sick of downloading 4GB to test a mod occasionally...
Please use JPG (separate the alpha channel into an image with _alpha prefix), the size of the download would drop by at least 3.5GB for very little quality loss.
>Wasn't gonna mention it, but I myself am getting sick of downloading 4GB to test a mod occasionally...
You don't have to.
All updates are posted here:
All media updates here:
(And more often then the ISOs are uploaded)
>Please use JPG (separate the alpha channel into an image with _alpha prefix), the size of the download would drop by at least 3.5GB for very little quality loss.
The likelyhood of anything other than the ISOs surviving is dim. So I will keep with the .tgas (they are all compressed in pk3 .zip files). If I seperate the lossless from the "release", the lossless will be lost.
****But I mean if you want to make something of this...
No one is forcing you are even asking you to test anything, ever.
This mod is not done for the benefit of any person other than my own self, personally. It is not a benevolent mod. It is not here to help anyone.
It exists for selfish reasons and if other people are angry about it's existence (and some people are, clearly from what they write on the xon forum from time to time), that is a benefit. If they give up contributing to opensource because they do not want to risk the change of their contributions falling into "scumbag people like this guy"'s use, that is a victory. If they do worse than that, well... it just goes to show you what a lie these people lived...
I know some people feel used. They were.
I wanted Nexuiz to fork. I got that. I worked to get that.
I got almost everything I wanted.
Some by my own work. Much by influencing people, talking to them.
Some simply by using libre software.
Isn't it unfortunate that hosts do not stay up, that we cannot use JPG and DDS because we know the mediasource will be gone in a blink of an eye and that all people will have is the JPGs. :(.
I think 3.5gb recovery is not likely though.
Either way, forcing people to download 4GB for this mod is worth it. It is what they pay. They have to wait. And what they receive is more than equivalent value.
I know people think I don't do anything. I code on this nearly every day though. I do not care what the people that hate what I love think.
Also moving to another engine is disgusting treason. 'You' (collectively, the "xonotic team") are spitting on all the hard work Lord Havoc and his crew has done for all of you. It is absolutely disgusting and you will gain not one thing from it. But some people think they'll gain by doing useless busy work.
My mod moves forward, and I doubt any will ever know all the features it has.
This is thanks to the work of all those whom I have taken from. Extended. And those who have taught me. I thank them. I thank you (singularly, not as used previously).
I knew you would make up some excuse for not shrinking the main download size, so I did a test on one of the .pk3 files:
Original size (with TGA images): 247.2MB
New size (with JPG images): 14.9MB
Everything still looked exactly the same, the quality loss wasn't even visible on default settings.
I took a look at those updates, and surely wouldn't be able to piece together what goes where to 'upgrade' my build, from a quick look. I'd imagine non-developers would have an even harder time looking at all those downloads.
This also doesn't mean you'll lose your mediasource, but rather should make it bigger (not the main download). Include the full quality sources there.
Also, the main reason we're switching engines is simply because LordHavoc is barely around to maintain his engine. We can't make any real changes to it, as he wants to keep it Quake 1 compatible. No good for us.
So, long story short: Small updates are published, they're about 300 megs or so, you just dl those pk3s and put them in your data dir. Also there's git too for those who like that (the updates would be smaller still there, though some pk3s (like the building models etc) aren't updated through git).
Thanks for the help on things. (This also goes out to Div, Samual, tZork, etc).
Newer members of Xontic are trying to leave Darkplaces, I think that's wrong as LH helped yall.
>Also, the main reason we're switching engines is simply because LordHavoc is barely around to maintain his engine. We can't make any real changes to it, as he wants to keep it Quake 1 compatible. No good for us.
How so? What feature do you want that DP doesn't have?
Is it really that hard to patch things into your own version of DP? I've looked in the source and have done some hacking of it (nothing major at all), and it doesn't look any more byzantine than any other C program (well ... there are alot of structs). If LH isn't hacking on it that means it's stable and you can just change things without worrying any changes would then have conflicting updates later.
> Original size (with TGA images): 247.2MB
> New size (with JPG images): 14.9MB
That's very tempting.
I used to use pngs but they took forever to load. That's why I switched to tga, loads very fast (dds might be faster still, not sure). How quick are your load times? That's pretty amazing how JPG can compress so well. What quality setting did you use and what program (image magik?). It's definitely something to consider, but I really am afraid that anything not in the ISO will eventually be lost (this is why I keep the source in the ISO too). I guess it could be said to be an excuse, but I am afraid of that. What I've been doing lately is been using symlinks where I can (like when making _pants _shirt versions for various textures I can just symlink to a greyscale image). I plan to do that for the _norm maps in suburb tex next.
A ton of games are also like this, afraid to use compression. That's why they're 8gb often. I think everyone figures that's the only thing that will be out there, years down the line thats what people will be editing. I remember this happened with some of nexuiz assets: only jpgs were there (alot were then changed to tga I think, for loading speed reasons?).
>I took a look at those updates, and surely wouldn't be able to piece together what goes where to 'upgrade' my build, from a quick look. I'd imagine non-developers would have an even harder time looking at all those downloads.
The main update pk3 is this one:
Download that and put it in your Xonbla/data/ folder, replacing the old one.
Other PK3s that are sometimes updated are:
(these are city-generation buildings, I've been working on these alot lately
(the futuristic and medeval buildings you can build)
PK3s which are rarely updated are:
(trees, other models)
(shaders mostly)
The site will tell you how long ago a file has been recently uploaded.
Sorry for being rude/gruff before.
Thanks for the tips, They may come in handy. The size reduction is definitely very tempting. I'm not going to pull the trigger on anything like that yet though (tga is lossless and may load a good deal faster perhaps(I think that's why everyone still uses it, lots of games are 8gb because of non-compressed textures).
If the mod were more popular someone could make JPG releases alongside the standard release.
Sometimes I worry about the .dds textures that are there for the standard Xon textures, but I figure the originals won't be lost as Xon has good distribution amongst developers, though I did want to correct the glow maps for the white philipk texture pack (wanted the glow to be cyan like the textures show rather than white). I don't really have a choice with them as I'm allready up against the DVD size limit. DDSs sure do load fast though (I tried to make them once and wasn't able to make ones that loaded correctly in the gimp atleast: there's a nvidia tool you have to use IIRC))
Thanks for taking a look at the mod every so often, and thanks for all the code work you've done to bring monsters to Xon.
How is Divverent and everyone doing? Any news?
I'd imagine imagemagick would do a good job of it (at around quality 6), I used IrfanView (made it easier to also test PNG with alpha).
As a side note, PNG was bigger than the TGA version, possibly due to the converter used.
JPG does indeed increase load time slightly, but I'd rather wait an extra 2 seconds at a loading screen and get better FPS.
My thoughts on this move that vanilla-not-chaosesque-xonotic is doing:
I suspect Xonotic will lose features rather than gain them in this move.
Does this new engine support AES crypto or will that be declared an "unnecessary feature so ofcourse we're doing away with it" (ofcourse!)
ChaosEsque uses such features as regular parts of the code (for petrification, perm blindness
you can't get out of it by reconnecting).
ChaosEsque will stay true to DarkPlaces. Infact a version that works well with
older Intel GPUs has been standardized on for CE (some patches are brought backported from time to time)
This concerns me. I've seen the xonotic-wiki "moved" (can't find the info I used to
find easily), pages deleted (and no this is not "fine", no matter what marketspeak the new guys use.
I bet the people desiring a move of engines are also comfortable with Systemd being forced into all the linux distros, and
also with a removal of crypto because "who cares" "just a game" "fsck privacy"
Hats will be tipped to the side: these new guys know what they're doing.
I bet the Xonotic key gen server will be removed. Which is a blow to privacy as
all keys will then be only self signed, which can be MitMd sometimes possibly
(or atleast DoSd, think SSHv2, you can atleast DoS those, prevent connections).
"Unnecessary, crypto bad, systemd and needless change good"
I saw where things were headed when Xon let samual have free reign. I got off
that boat and jumped in the water. It's fine.
ChaosEsque will remain true to DP. There is also a maintained branch of the code
which has Divverent's bendy player models. Gets updated along side -concrete.
Honestly, if I were Lord Havoc I would be extremely angry and if I were him I would seek
to find those responsible. My thought process would be:
1) First they destroyed Nexuiz
2) And took it somewhat away from me in Xonotic.
3) Now they are dumping my code completely after I helped them in all things.
If I were him I would not let this go unanswered.
I don't know how he keeps his cool or why.
DP is a fine engine and I myself have not much come to it's limits yet.
I doubt regular Xonotic has either, as it seems not too much goes on there these days.
ChaosEsque will remain true though, and will be there when others wish to get off this cruise.
I really think it's disrespectful and it's as if Lord Havoc has been used and is now
being discarded. It's disgusting to me really. Someone does all that work for you and now
"Fuck em, he isn't being our slave anymore"... when you could just code the features
your damned self into his engine (the way opensource is supposed to work).
And what is wrong with Quake One support?
Like that's a bad thing "it's old"(similar argument from systemd supporters:
you know, people who're on the side of mass survellance and feminism, and opposed
to security and anything males might like... "good right thinking progressive individuals")
I'm glad DP support Q1 well. I put in some code recently to make my mod
of xonotic more compatable with Q1 maps (so they load).
It's fun.
This really is treason. First taking LH's project, now throwing him into the trash.
Ofcourse trashing the wiki while your at in (git hub is unsearchable without google), deleting everything for
zero reason (oh, progress, like SystemD).
The whole way of thinking disgusts me completely. It is wrong.
You shouldn't Use and THEN discard people and their products.
If you're going to Use people and what they make, stay true to them.
Don't be a lying scheming POS... you know? A snake in the grass kind of person.
"Oh LH isn't being USSSEEDDD enough by us right now, KICK EM TO THE CURB"
This is how Russia feels America did it btw.
Well those are my thoughts on that.
I'd like to know how Lord Havoc really feels about this.
If I were him I'd be pissed and I would not let it go, nor let it stand:
it would come to blows. Can't just use and then throw away people like that.
It is wrong, and the people doing it need to learn that or someone needs to learn them it.
>JPG does indeed increase load time slightly, but I'd rather wait an extra 2 seconds at a loading screen and get better FPS.
That actually can be a very big problem with the ammount of different textures that are used. With PNG I was waiting 15 min for some maps. Once I went to TGA it was like 2 min.
Maybe a _jpg distro of the mod needs to be made, so people can choose: less download time more load time vs other.
What do you think of the mod all around
(and the maps of mine?)
LordHavoc has had nothing to do with Nexuiz or Xonotic for a very long time, the fact that we still rely on his engine is most probably a burden, considering he's also trying to keep it Quake 1 compatible.
Maintaining our own fork of his engine is too much for a team of this size, especially while he still makes some changes to his engine (like the recent move to SDL2, that would've been a nightmare to merge if we were separate).
We'll be using the main branch of Daemon too.
Nothing important will be left out in the port (especially the crypto libraries), we intend to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Also, the GitHub Xonotic repository is not official, we moved to GitLab. The wikis on GitLab are mostly complete.
You don't have to merge SDL2. Why change libraries?
Why keep on the update treadmill?
There used to be a philosophy of development that you never automatically merge anything: you hand patch only. You keep things stable: no shifting sands. You standardize on one version and work from there (making it more stable, etc).
Things like changing to SDL2 is just make-work.
Chaosesque stays on a known-good-with-older-intel version of DP and patches it from time to time, for instance. This way there are no suprises. (Also alot of downloads seem to be from poorer countries, so can't ignore old intel gfx)
Really not having to fear something will suddenly break is nice, and Xon should adopt that philosophy regardless of what it's using: always fork the engine you are using, and stabilize and maintain that version.
BTW: When you do releases in the past, when you compile for linux, what do you do?
I do ./all compile -r
But some people have complained my binaries won't work on their linux system.
Do you do something else? Did you statically link them.
Also, if one wasn't using the all script, how does one properly compile for xonotic (and release) just in the DP directory? There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a readme and someone wants to compile the zipped source code that comes with the ISO. (I assume ./configure; make would work, is it something like ./configure -game xonotic -r ?)
More spells. Per-team start spells. Bots know how to use spells. Menu options. Better model for knight. Weapon replace with scrolls and medeval weapons mutator. Monster fixes.
The better spell support is a significant addition.
You really can scourge dungeons now if you wish.
ISO Download:
Direct V63 no javascript ISO download:
If you wish to just update your copy, if it's not too old, you can put these files in /data/ :
enjoy and give feedback!
Mario: Is there a tutorial/wiki entry on what notes to record for making a new instrument for Xon and other specifics (lenght of note, how to have it good for looping (I guess have to zoom in and line up the sine waves). I was thinking of doing such for a string instrument.
New monster added: Imp. Quest Spawns added (all players start at same area in map, can be set by mapinfo cvar, or just randomly picked).
(you can just get the zzzzz9999data.pk3 to update if you allready have the others)
v65: BileDemon and Dragons added etc.
(upgrade zzzzz9999 pk3 at the usual place)
ISO info:
8040e190c6852a4dead8a02a645bb9a6 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL65.iso
4662540288 Sep 9 11:53 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL65.iso
Direct download link:
Release 66:
New Weapon: Shiningstar mace (all metal spiked mace, lighter but longer spikes)
New Creature: Seraph (Angel). Hates undead and demons, will seek the out and kill them
New Capabilities: Ability to set foliage, creatures, buildings to one side of the map (base) in team games that have bases.
+Various bugfixes etc.
Size and md5sum output: (I don't think any is cut off, if a digit is it's
cut off at the beginning (c25) etc)
4667584512 Oct 1 06:43 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL66.iso
c25aa26b4a2bf9fcbb8a61cf792c42ea XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL66.iso
Give feedback if you will.
New Weapon: PoleAxe
New Spells: Cancellation, ManaShield, HolyWord, StoneRain
Max Inventory Limit (Default 500), Per-Weapon Inventory Size (bigger weapons take up more space)
F+Backspace you will drop some ammo of the weapon you are using (thus can free up space)
ISO Size: 4668416000 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL67.iso
ISO md5sum XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL67.iso
17f6829896e14546963fe829968f219c XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL67.iso
ISO Download Link:
We now have 28 spells, 23 monsters, 40 vehicles, 16 mounted guns, and 80 weapons.
(Plus somewhere over 100 maps. (104 DeathMatch maps in the list )
ISO, zzzzzz999999 update pk3, and git all updated.
Screenshots etc:
This is a pretty big release code wise, it adds the ability to make the gameplay
more "diablo like" or "quest like"
The new Item options are in the mutators button/menu and all next to eachother
near Pinata so you can quickly set the options if you want to play a quest,
the maxlives option is in the same column (Multiplayer>Create>Mutators, first column)
Players that die but have expended their maxlives (if set) and disconnect
and then reconnect still will be at maxlives and won't beable to respawn
(uses the code for stonecurse, permblind, etc in qcsrc/server/cl_client.qc)
(only negatives are recorded there, if you leave the game you lose your
positives (inventory etc))
This allows you to set up a game where one is not cavalier.
New Weapon: Yumi (Japanese Assymetric bow)
New Spells: CastFromLife, MagicBullets
New Options: max lives, permanent items (don't dissapear when dropped, don't respawn) with ability to set exceptions for powerups, health, ammo, etc
option to only start with starting items once, monster drop weapons (medeval, future, modern seperate variables)
option to ignore bots for maxlives and no-start-items-after-once.
New Gameplay mechanics: explosions can leave you hobbled and/or mangled.
(and cvar to disable this, ofcourse, if you wish)
Ability to permanently hobble/mangle chained prisoners (just like blind, etc)
Enjoy Release 68:
Size: 4670765056 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL68.iso
md5sum: bdda7ac5c878b4e3a9e10e0b8caf8229 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL68.iso
Project page:
We now have 30 spells, 23 monsters, 40 vehicles, 16 mounted guns, and 81 weapons. (Plus somewhere over 100 maps. (104 DeathMatch maps in the list ) ISO, zzzzzz999999 update pk3, and git all updated.
If you allready have a recent ISO and just want to update the code etc,
place the zzzzzz99999999bla.pk3 in you XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ directory
Release 69.
This is a heavy code update and map update release.
FrankishTowers, OpposingCastles, DesertCastles now have working
jails / chambers of torment (to be used with the shackles).
(In addition to Darkhold and KrillDonjon which had them working for a long time)
(These other maps were built before the prison/etc system was coded in)
Multi-tool/Utilitool additions:
-Built housing now adds to your housing worldinventory
-Knights, Royal Guards, and Soliders can be recruited (trained) via
-building a recruitment post (flag) near an appropriate building
-(barracks, stronghold, small castle, glass base, security building)
-You need to have enough housing and food (grains, greens, etc)
-F to enable/disable recruitment post
Options to set turrets to not respawn, or only player built turrets to respawn.
Options to allow the rebuilding of turrets (Press R on multitool or utilitool).
ISO Download:
size: 4673075200 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL69.iso
md5sum: 255f94a94f1bd99cfa53e256b1c11380 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL69.iso
Iso is somewhat recommended for this release as it's about 5 packages changed
(easier if you have the bandwith).
If you want to upgrade by updating things in /data/
(remove old frankishtower, opposingcastles, and desertcastles)
So to recap: Various medieval maps now have functioning jails,
you can train monsters like in a real time stratagey game using
the buildings you build via the utilitool and multitool,
and some more mutator options have been added.
This was alot of coding for these features, especially the building related things.
Total time spent was 3 days on the map work, about 2 on the code.
(Including 1 absolutely full day on implementing the building additions)
Enjoy. ("Release early, release often")
For info, links, etc:
This release adds new weapons, new things to build, and improves the RTS elements of the game.
Release 70
New weapons: GreyIron Mallet, Iron Knife, Dagger
New Buildables: Trap floor, trap grate (for your castles)
Oil prospecting. Solar panels check if they are not blocked (by map, shields,
celings etc) before producing energy, also check time of day if skycycles
mutator is enabled.
Items such as potions, coins, gems, scrolls, spellbooks, food, now have
their own respawn times.
Misc bugfixes (fixed furnishings changing color at capture when not set to player/team color)
ISO Download:
md5sum: bcdcdede61dd0651a80724f28055a289 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL70.iso
size: 4674969600 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL70.iso
If you want to upgrade by updating things in /data/ from version 69
rather than downloading the ISO you need to update 2 packages:
(If you're at an earlier version, there are more packages you'll need
to update (see earlier posts), or just get the ISO)
Release 71
This release has a heavy focus on the building system
(multitool), allowing the player many more options in
building castles. From desert style castles to french style white walls,
it is now supportd.
New weapons: SpikedClub
New buildables: various colors for your castles etc.
Maps can set default castle(and other building) color/style
ISO Download:
size: 4664381440 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL71.iso
md5sum: 4af54e14c869ebaf7d649a3197609c34 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL71.iso
If you want to upgrade by updating things in /data/ from version 70
rather than downloading the ISO you need to update 7 packages
(including a texture pack added):
Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that I follow this thread, and I admire your dedication to a frequent release schedule and creating content. Keep it up. :)
Thank you for your kind words.
Usually we get feedback similar to this instead:
Code Monkey
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Will an admin close this fruitless thread?
Personally, i think the mod looks gay ass fuck. They wrote 20% of it and the rest is models, from another source. This guy cries a river of piss about the fact that his mod is dead because he has no resources for the tangible, ie LH is afk, xonotic crew is ending their support so he has no other source to rip from, as he is only limited in his mental capacity, which is why he is bitching.
yes move out of you mom's basement, go to school, read a book move on. in ten years you will look basck and see how stupid you are-now. and hopefully grow up.
(a flame reply is moot as you are wrong and your retort is superfluous)
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Last edited by R00k; Today at 12:11 AM..
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Editors note: (Which, ofcourse, completely ignores that we forked from Xonotic completely 2 years ago and are not beholden to their decisions, and ignores the fact that we went beyond the fteqcc compiler's max limits ... thus there is not just "tiny amount of added code")
Release 72: New weapon: SKS Rifle.
New Features: Friend system: if the server admin allows it (g_allow_friends, or click the button in "advanced" menu under create match) you may set other players as a friend when executing the "friend" command while looking at other player (within range). Friends may (in non-team games) enter your doors, and your turrets you build and your soliders you recruit will not attack the friend. In team games only team mates are allowed to be friended. It is mainly a feature for non team games.
New feature2: Map Torches etc are given dynamic light when the skycycles mutator is enabled (as are starburst entities) (can be disabled g_skycycles_nodynamiclight). Quake1 map entity of trap_shooter etc now supported so quake 1 maps will be more complete if played (for quake3 compiled maps use misc_fire_crossbowbolt (0-19 different emissions) as it has more options (see spikerailpath map for example).
Various other bugfixes aswell.
Size: 4667750400 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL72.iso
MD5Sum: a219b37a5044b32f42b196c14ee03af3 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL72.iso
If you want to upgrade by updating things in /data/ from version 71
rather than downloading the ISO you need to update 9 packages
(Updates to set default season for citygenerator)
Except that isn't how it went down. You was berating many people whose opinion differed from yours, wishing people would die before their time, basically being an drama queen.I enjoyed how you tried to spin that post of r00ks into you being the victim, but that is not the case.
If you are gonna drag content from to , why would you bring only a snippet of what transgressed? Seems you are a bit ashamed of how you conducted yourself, considering you only post a FRACTION of what happened.
Nice try bud.
Release 73: This update has an important map update, and improves the friend system for buildable buildings. May it be sufficently Metal.
Map Update: Darkhold18. Deeper. Minatour maze below, then the pinaccle, and then caves, darkness.
Friend system has been fleshed out.
You can have friends, tolerated, hated. exfriends, exhated.
You can set tolerateall toleratenone, hateall, loveall, etc, for defaults
for your kingdom.
g_allow_friends (0, 1, 2, 3): or go to create>advanced for the button
Md5Sum: c6c831f2ae05a958960bbaf4eb623906 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL73.iso
Size: 4671774720 Nov 17 18:57 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL73.iso
shasum 2b0f13d96d17e980701ce43ccedf037aa713f44f XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL73.iso
ISO Download:
If you have release 72 and just want to upgrade by updating files in your XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ directory you need 2 packages:
(remove old darkhold17)
I am not ashamed.
I am disgusted.
The people on your website are happy to stab others in the back and kick them to the curb when they are no longer "useful" (such as LordHavoc). Everyone knows my views, you clearly don't know me.
And I am not your buddy. I never will since you support and condone traitorous scum. Please, list your achievements and projects for us all to enjoy (or are you just a server admin, using others code, but feeling that you've done something because you have a bit set in your particular config file).
Do not come here to my thread again.
90 Weapons Achieved. New Weapons: ChainSaw, ClawHammer.
Do you think it's over, better think again; there will be no compromise.
Also work done on monsters mutator: map can set (default) height limits (min/max) for spawning areas for monsters.
Updated pk3s: zzz..9999..etc.pk3 darkhold18.pk3.
Release: 74
Size: 4672884736 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL74.iso
md5sum: 9ce30f2aa1fb7c350d2f68fdbb6927a4 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL74.iso
shasum: fb75da5378bf72d78b022c67545023903adf1eac XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL74.iso
Keeping it up :). Thanks for the encouragment, bart :D
ISO Download:
R74 ISO Signature files:
819 Nov 20 20:01 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL74.iso.asc
3063 Nov 20 20:02 public_key.asc
Version: GnuPG v1
For R74, 2 new weapons + the settings for darkhold18 have been updated, (R73 brought new areas) so it works better with the zombie apocalypse mutator (added Z min and max settable limits so you can keep them spawning in a certain strata of a map). New weaps: chainsaw and clawhammer. Total number now: 90
If you have release 73 (or 72) and just want to upgrade by updating files in your XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ directory you need 2 packages:
darkhold18.pk3 (remove old darkhold18)
ISO Download:
Release 75: This release adds items to build in the buildable building system:
(Auto-centered) Arrow loops, windows, bricked up areas, for multitool, sheetmetal, gunloops,
etc for utilitool that are auto-centered like doors are.
This allows you to fortify unused hallways or doorways in your castle or bases.
More medeval(sp) furnishings.
ISO Download:
md5sum: f2116d13085772f0e165c1ce73eaa57d XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL75.iso
shasum: 58d50f517b12950a4774eec787f23ad8b78b8bd5 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL75.iso
sha256sum: 945acc45757ee208e56af6e19e1511bf85bf086f7d274bd268bd1fbd3cfeffd4 XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL75.iso
R75 ISO Signing files:
If you have release 74 and just want to upgrade by updating files in your XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ directory you need 2 packages:
ISO Download:
There have been updates.
Current release is R87
V 89
More foliage, building system improvements.
The mollon system sees any use of Tor as "spam"
v90 has been released:
4 new weapons. Building improvements. Misc fixes and improvements.
New weapons:
Crypistol (energy pistol)
SportShotgun (5 shot semi-automatic shotgun)
SpikedFlail (3 small spikeball chain flail)
ShootingStar (1 large spikeball on chain flail)
Flails have a 2/3rds chance of deflecting through even when blocked: if so they do 1/3rd damage.
If too close to person flail will do 1/2 damage (above applies aswell so can be 1/6th)
Flails also have longer windup time than other melee weapons.
Thus they have some things to master in them, but if someone is blocking every swing of your sword with their quaterstaff or their sword, you now have an option to get around them.
Pumpshotgun and SportShotgun now have changeable chokes (F+R keys).
Pumpshotgun: tight, open, duckbill.
SportShotgun: tight, open, restrictive.
You can now allow the building of "claimstones", which act like garrisons but only for furniature and blocks and do not lockdown land.
You can also set built beds to create a spawn point.
(These options are in the startweapons menu with the rest of the buildable options)
Thus you can allow people to build appartments without having to build a town to start, if you wish.
Various other changes.
If you are updating from version 89, these are the packages you want to update:
428M Jun 26 06:25 zzzzzz999999_xmod-chaos-esque-xonotic-full_source_and_exec_binaries.pk3
56M Jun 17 00:42 z9_buildable_buildings.pk3
149M May 19 14:09 zz99-xmod-chaos-esque-xonotic-map_resources.pk3
(they go in the Xonoticbla/data/ directory as always)
The .ASC signature is up too, you know where.
There are now 112 weapons in total in the game.
(including 48 medieval weapons :) )
Version 93 is out.
(More weapons, more improvements etc.)
Many improvements since version 90 including new weapons (M9 pistol. Styer Aug assault rifle) and mechanics improvements. For v93 Sound variety in bullet based weapons increased, amongst other things.
Get it here:
October surprise Be Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1984 with the weapon types he used to sytematically eliminate possible threats to his kind:
New Weapons:
AMR-18 Rifle with extended 43 round magazine and stock removed.
Spas-12 Twelve Gauge Autoloader
1911 Longslide with laser sighting (second fire button)
Styer TMP
Crylancer (Automated enegy rifle, secondary for long ranged attacks)
New Buildable:
(for utilitool): Observation Tower (raised tower with 2 stories up top with defensive firing positions)
F3 and respawn are now same amount of time (thus one does not avoid the respawn delay by going to spec and then rejoining)
Proper sound for some weapons. Misc other fixes.
v94 Direct Download link:
Booted up some quake1 maps.
US election day surprise: v98
New weaps: Hellrigel WW1 SMG. Webley revolver. Webley dragoon.