Dark Elf, game-ready and animated
Sunday, November 8, 2015 - 11:09
Art Type:
Dark Elf, an evil troop I made game-ready, retextured, and animated with motion capture for Open Dungeons, an open source remake of dungeon Keeper. https://opendungeons.github.io/ Animations: Walk, flee/run, attack, idle, sleep, dance, happy, sad and die. Evil twin of: http://opengameart.org/content/elf-game-ready-and-animated
Original CC-BY-SA model by Contmike: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/66691
Crossbow CC-BY model by: Lamoot http://opengameart.org/content/low-poly-crossbow
Hair created with Hair Factory v1.0 CC0 by MajorNightmare: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/48987
Music by: incompetech
look it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWGYJbewadc
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit Contmike, Danimal and Lamoot

somehow i have strong doubts that dark elves and elves would share the same attire
Will she marry me????
Hello Danimal, i have used a lot of models from you and they are working pretty well in Dungeon Keeper FX.
You can see them here in Action :
Testing out the Taurus and dark Elf - YouTube
I would love if you would join us on Discord (Keeper Klan) if you enjoy playing the part 1 aswell
That looks great ;D , I always thought it was impossible to add new creatures to DK1; you did a great work porting them to a ...spritesheet, I guess?. I can see a bit of "gliding" but maybe it´s caused by how fast they walk compared to vanilla. I might visit that Discord when I get some free time. I got some other models you might want to port as well like the roach, dark priest or defender. And the "Ancient beast" project is an awesome source as well for monsters.