Spaceship tutorial
Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 10:07
Art Type:
This is the spaceship that I made for the spaceship tutorial:
The colors are a bit different in the layered version and there's also a thin variant of the ship in the archive.

First of all hello and thank you so much for letting me use it :)
I have noticed though that under the GPL licence terms, editing the sprites is not allowed. I would however like to add exhaust flames. Another thing is that while I was working on the game, I used the spaceship sprite and edited it untill I got my Enemy spaceships that look this.
Is it okay if I keep using these enemy models?
Also I'd like to say that those 2 licences are confusing. I mean.. they are contradicting eachother. The CC-BY 3.0 says I am free to adapt this work, and the GPL 3.0 says changing is not allowed. My first time using this website and having anything to do with licence stuff.. don't wanna get in trouble :D
> I have noticed though that under the GPL licence terms, editing the sprites is not allowed.
Huh? Are you mixing up GPL and CC-*-ND?
> Also I'd like to say that those 2 licences are confusing.
From the FAQ:
The whole point of the GPL is to ensure that your right to change is preserved.
Dunno if I'm mixing up stuff but when I click the GPL picture under licences, a website opens that says:
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
That's the copyright header for the license itself -- you may not change the GPL.
oh lol :D
k ty
This is the current version of the game if anyone would like to see it :)
If the page doesn't load, just refresh. Dunno why but it happens quite often
Controls: ARROW KEYS to move around, SPACE to shoot and ENTER when you die.
GPL allows change as long as you give credit as to the original creator, the changes made, and is licensed the same (therefore allowing others the same freedom you had).
It is confusing, especially considering GPL is meant for software, not graphics. So yes, I understand just how confusing it must be.
Basically, GPL is like CC-BY-SA, but way more compicated (because it's meant for software).
I really love this ship and am using it in my game :)