Champion of Light
Sunday, January 10, 2016 - 14:07
Art Type:

A heroic 8 bit track for those champions fighting the forces of darkness.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Please credit me "Trevor Lentz" if you choose to use this track. :)

This is pretty nice. May I ask how you made it????
Fl Studio, Triforce VST, sytrus(to compliment the melody), mda limiter for most of the channels to prevent clipping. :D To get the randomized effects on the hi-hat I used Glitch vst for ease of variaton.
Amazing !! Thx for sharing ;D
Nice track!
Repito, es grande
@looneybits: Thanks for the compliments ♪♪♪
@snabisch: Thank you very much ♪♫
@Aharabada: Thank you for listening ♫♫
This is awesome stuff, but sadly the file type and length make it unusable for me and many others. MP3 is potentially restrictive, and at 7.4 mb it would take considerable time to decode, especially for use in web games like I make.
I would strongly recommend also having an ogg version available, and a shorter, loopable track to reduce file size.
@Arcanorum: I may work on that tonight and post it on this same comments thread.
Alternatively any MP3 that I (or others) have posted should be easily converted using methods described through the link below with free software like Audacity.
Love this! I will be using it in my next mobile game. Thanks a lot!
Wow... Incredible.
This track is several years old, so you might not have the file for it still. But if you still have the FL studio file, I'd be interested. I want to use this song in my game and I want to be able to play the into once, then loop, during low health or some other frantic part of combat then loop to another part. If not I might be able to get the loops I want thru audicity. Thank you
This jam is DOPE. Thanks for making it available. *insert hands-together emoticon*
I really wish that I was better at backing up my project files for my older stuff! I would be more than happy to create remixes and release the FLP files for everyone to use. I have since taken a more aggresive approach since 2019 to backing up my project files. #regret :(
Definitelly going to be using this and other songs of yours. Really nice!