Hero spritesheets (Ars Notoria)
Monday, October 6, 2014 - 04:39
Art Type:
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Spritesheets and icons made for my game Ars Notoria (DB32 palette ).
8 - armors
8 - robes
8 - swords
8 - staffs
8 - fireballs
8 - helms
8 - hats
8 - books
8 - shields
and icons for every item plus:
8 - rings
6 - stat potions
4 - regular potions
The spritesheet size is 46x50, for the weapons is 60x30 and for the fireballs is 30x15.
Armor spritesheets must be put on top of the player spritesheet and accessories on top of armor.

Holy shit! Am I allowed to say sh*t here:)! Great Spritesheet! Nearly perfect. I´d love to see a gun / rifle in his hands!
I think you just did!
Seriously though, I agree this is a nice set of resources. Definitely has a classic 16 bit arcade feel to it.
I suspect that this will find widespread popularity and be used quite a bit. It looks very adaptable.
Very nice spritesheet. I'm using it as a placeholder until I find someone to draw my own sprites.
You sir... are awesome
Oh my Gosh!! Somebody give him/her cookies!!!
I love you :), as a very amateur guy, its so nice to see this quality sprites ready to use so easily.
Very good work ! It's amazing :)
I'm using this in my game Robot Spider Invasion.
We used this in our game for the Ludum Dare 35 game jam: https://echopixel.itch.io/redshift
Wow, thank you for sharing these. Very high quality.
Quick question: it looks like there are four frames in the attack animation (first row, images 3,4,5,6) and three weapon sprites (sword, first row, images 1,2,3). Do they align like tihs:
attack image #1 - weapon image #1
attack image #2 - weapon image #2
attack image #3 - weapon image #3
attack image #4 - weapon image #1
Kinda sorta looks right in my sprite editor....just thought I'd check for tips.
Very (... but I mean: VERY) well done.
ATATATA! Reminds me of Kenshiro.
This is a beautiful sprite set. Thank you for sharing.
Very cool guy! I appreciate your work! Very cool!
Great assets dude, can I use for my game ? And give the credit ?
Thanks for your time.
Hello. You don't need credit to author - sprite sheets is in CC0. In other words feel free in using sprite sheets. So why author shared to us with this sprite sheets? Just to show to us? No, author decided to share with us and let us feel free in using them
I see, thank you for the help and the explanition.
Nice one!
Thank you! Will be using this one for my game, great work man!