FLARE Isometric Tiles
Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 06:06
Art Type:
Following pfunked's tutorial on how to make isometric tiles in Blender, I created these using custom textures and a bit of post-render photoshop work. They are designed to work with FLARE, but I believe they should work with pretty much any project that uses 32x64 isometric tiles.
Not too sure about the cracked tiles, they look kind of fake... maybe I should have another go at those. :/

A nice start! Glad my tutorial is helpful.
Choosing a good texture is tough. It's hard to tell how much you'll like a tileset until you see it in action. You can use Tiled to make a quick test map.
I tested it out in Tiled, and it actually turned out fairly decent, imho (see the second preview image). The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that I had to turn off anti-aliasing in blender in order to achieve a crisp, non-blurry texture, so the lack of anti-aliasing might hurt the transitions a bit.