Digital slash
Friday, January 8, 2016 - 01:53
Art Type:

Sutiable for use in action games.
Also, you can listen it on SoundCloud (track is pretty long, so there you can jump thru all the track and listen it much faster)

Nice track
CooL !! Thx for sharing ;)
wooow O-O epic epic EPIC!! D:
can i use in my game
All assets on OGA can be used in your game, xxXRoboDogXx. As long as you adhere to the requirements of the license for each asset, you don't even need to ask. :)
If you have questions about what the different licenses mean, just ask and I- or any number of people in this community- will be happy to help.
If you have special circumstances you're not sure about, definitely ask the artist, but other than that, you can pretty safely assume they're ok with you using it in your game as long as you follow the license requirements. Awesome, huh? :D
This is awesome
so i put the usename in credits yes or no
This one is licensed CC BY, so yeah; username in the credits. :)
Normally you would follow what is listed under "Copyright/Attribution Notice:" but since PetterTheSturgeon didn't give specific attribution instructions, I'd say list "Digital slash.mp3 by PetterTheSturgeon" or "Digital slash.mp3 by Petter Zhigulsky" in the credits and maybe include a link back to this page.
@PetterTheSturgeon: Great song!
Thank you, MedicineStorm. I did not have the opportunity to leave a comment emideatly, my account was banned or something... Now it's working again and, yes, Robodog, you can use this track enywhere you want. (sorry for my english by the way)