Multiple characters? (realtime squad tactics)
I'm looking to develop a small isometric real time squad tactics game. I love the maturity of the flare iso engine, and I was looking for the honest opinion or educated guesses of those who could advise me:
Would it be too difficult for me to add multiple characters support to Flare? Would I be better off coding the whole thing from scratch in Unity?
I have very little coding experience so I'll have trouble either way, but I'm not sure if the leap from FLARE to squad mechanics would be further than the leap from empty unity project to things FLARE already has, and then to squad mechanics.
Not sure if I was clear. Any help would be appreciated.
Flare purposefully cuts a lot of corners to assume a single hero game. There would definitely be a lot of gutting of the code to make full squads work. Especially if you want to be able to control all of them simultaneously, or be able to command each one separately.
Some of that work may have been bridged because there is light support for Minions/Pets. So combat featuring multiple good-guy units is at least minimally functional.
Another feature to look out for is the Transform feature. Currently that's used to magically transform your character into a different enemy type. Really what it does is gives you the sprites and controls of that creature. Instead of using it to polymorph self, it could be modified to take control of a target unit. That could be one way of switching controls between the units on the squad.
If your game isn't a single player action RPG really close to this Diablo style, then Flare probably isn't the best fit. If you're more interested in code hacking than releasing a game, then Flare could be a fun place to experiment.
Thank you so much for the thorough reply! And for all the amazing art provided on OGA of course.