Warp effect
Monday, December 19, 2016 - 11:12
Art Type:
A warp jump effect for 2D spaceships. Click the preview image to see the animation.

A warp jump effect for 2D spaceships. Click the preview image to see the animation.
Very successful effect. Thanks for sharing.
You're a champion of Justice! Thank you for this!
This is pretty cool. I can see this getting used alot. Nice upload and great work!
I'm currently working on a few more effects and if anyone has ideas or specific needs, feel free to send me a PM. I actually made this warp effect because sabin needed it.
My next project will be a Galaga Type Game but im infusing free roam game play with it and i will be using your sprites to make it epic. I really would love to get some effects like Galaga had but with your style.
The effect where the enemy captures your ship and just various bombs,powerups ect...
Thanks again aswell you are awesome bro.
Such a cool animation.
Would you mind re-releasing this as a spritesheet PNG file? I don't have Photoshop and would like to use this as a magic spell in my dungeon crawler. Thank you
@jyggalag: GIMP can open Photoshop .psd files. Here it is converted to PNG:
And here is an animated preview (using the same frame order as the original):
Edit: This preview looks funny because .gif images do not support semi-transparency (as far as I know).
Thank you! I'll credit you. :D
No, don't credit me. It is all Skorpio's work. :)