Zombie UI pack
Sunday, October 19, 2014 - 22:34
Art Type:
For your zombie, survival etc. game. Transparent background.
Are you using this? Send a note an maybe get some free exposure for your game!

...That is a weird jaw-trap (right-most column, 2nd row). Are there real traps that operate like that?
Yeah it's supposed to be a bear trap. I made it from memory (didn't use any reference) and so it looks a little different from the real ones. The important thing is that people recognize its function :)
Remember that you may not require people to notify you upon use of the asset, it may only be optional.
Right. I will move that note to the description part.
Looks really good, cheers! :-)
Quite cool.
Thanks Dread Knight, Justin Nichol
Thanks! I've used one of these icons in my first game for android :D Battery was just the one I was looking for, just changed it a bit ;) I've put your nickname in credits. If you have some spare time, you can check how it looks out here: My first android game - "I hate space!".
Thanks again!
Thank You so much for that
Using this in my game on google play
Guns VS Zombies: dead Road
Hello ) Thanks for this pack, i will use some icons from here in my Nuke Bike which is currently on testing ---->HERE<-
Thanks these look great. I'll use them if that's okay and send link and credit you when finished.
These are gorgeous :)