ChaosEsque-Anthology: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic released.
I released a standalone mod of Xonotic.
It is fully free/opensource with all the code GPL, and all the media GPL or CC0 CCBY or CCBYSA (all free/open compatable). The source is included and the mediasource for the added content is included.
It's packaged as an .iso as .zip won't go over 2gb on 32bit systems. Also so you can burn to DVD.
I modeled, and added many weapons (including medeval weapons), added many vehicles, coded spellcasting, foliage for the maps, fun things like bumpers and baloons (which rocket you around if you have the mutator enabled). I made around 40something maps (all gpl) for the mod, in addition to the regular xonotic and nexuiz (gpl) maps included. There are also monsters added (thanks to mario, plus I extended that).
I also used some items from open game art.
OSARE: Skeleton and Minotaur.
OldBook (spell book)
Old Paper texture.
Some CCBYSA songs.
Mario added a spider and a ogre/barbarian monster using opengame art assets.
I'm very glad you're around.
You can also build buildings.
So basically you can do as you wish in this 3d world, and there are many mutators where you can customize your game.
There is even a colorwar option: If you die you join the team of the person that killed you (or if in non-teamgame you become their pants/shirt color).
It adds alot of things, and many more maps and other things I and others made (also more texture packs I made).
The weapons are also more "realistic" in damage and other ways (they kill you quick, guns jam, rockets fail, there is muzzle rise) but still have all the futuristic and medeval weapons.
There are also aeroplanes and such, and mounted weapons.
Be sure to read the movement commands:
Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
Keyboard Controls
Note: When creating or editing maps in NetRadiant for this game disable “Use alternative texture projection” in Preferences>Settings>Brush to keep full compatibility with the pre-fabricated map sections found in data/maps/
To spawn vehicles, mounted guns, turrets, monsters, and hazards randomly in the map go to Multiplayer > Create > Mutators and enable their respective options.
To start a game go to Multiplayer > Create , select a match type, a map, and press “Start Multiplayer!” or “Play”
Vehicles & Mounted Guns
To enter a vehicle or a mounted gun hold F (The “use” key) or E while approaching the vehicle.
To exit a vehicle or a mounted gun press F (The “use” key)
To turn the engine on and take off when in an aeroplane press E + W
To load or reload a vehicle or mounted gun from its ammo reserves press R (The “reload” key)
To replenish the ammo reserves of a vehicle or mounted gun press E + R (The “reload” key)
(Note: fusion reactors will replenish the ammo reserves on a vehicle or mounted gun when in range)
To increase the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Spacebar
To decrease the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Shift
To increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Spacebar
To decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Spacebar
In a vehicle, to decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the speed of the engine press E + W (if the vehicle supports throttling)
In a vehicle, to decrease the speed of the engine press E + S (if the vehicle supports throttling)
To pickup a weapon or item press F (The “use” key)
To reload a weapon press R (The “reload” key)
To attach a suppressor to the .45 Pistol, the Rifle, or the MachineGun (Mac-10)
press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To turn on the flashlight press R (The “reload” key)
To change the color of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To change the focus of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + Shift + R (The “reload” key)
Movement Brawling
To move forward press W. To move backwards press S. Punch: W W Uppercut: Shift + W W
To strafe left press A. To strafe right press D. Kick: W W (While in air (Spacebar))
The default port for a server is 26000 (UDP)
More SShots:
"What's the point applying reason and logic to someone who lacks them?"
That the code works, suggests that there is logic enough.
Xonotic has dual-wielding weapons, mini powerups (buffs), Quake mode, side-scrolling maps, minigames, mounting creatures, in-game radio and a whole bunch more stuff since 0.6, your mod just has a few features you've been boasting about for years.
You seem to forget you're talking to someone who is also a "do-er", but I like to focus on making my features work well as well as being enjoyable, and I don't need thousands of lines of duplicated code to do it either.
Some people do not believe that our main developer whispered into the ear of the most influential Nexuiz developer for over a year to convince him to create the fork that became Xonotic.
They think our developer is nobody from nowhere. Well, maybe that is true, in a way, we all come from very little... but on the subject of Nexuiz.... thoughts turn into words.... and words into actions.
Imagine, toiling over a project that was created by the will of someone that you hate, always with the intention of it being a foundation on which he would build once the time was right....
We understand why there are those that do not want to believe it... but private /msg was used for a reason, and not blatant open communications.
We used you.
We used you all.
And your superiors knew it, and intended it even... perhaps.
Don't get too angry: remeber: we will take from your hands anything you lift up to us, or which catches our eye.
We boast of our works because they are great. If you used them you would see.
(Buffs are a reimplementation of a game mode that was removed from Xonotic. ChaosEsque still has this game mode.)
ChaosEsque has buildable buildings, foliage, citygeneration, spells, potions, 130 weapons, the list goes on and on and on and on. We even forget all the features we've added! And it never ends.
The gamemode your mod still uses is really bad, and was removed for good reasons.
Also keep in mind, we can take anything you boast to us about; I've already taken a modified version of the day-night cycles, a couple of weapons and vehicles, but they're limited to servers like Jeff's, due to the quality of their assets.
I only mentioned a few features I know would be a nightmare to port, the rest are hidden gems you'll have to dig for.
I forgot the most important feature of all...
Hats. We have hats.
He does not even care the slightest, that I tried to defend him and be neutral, since after the slightest critique he goes on a crusade against me.
Well this proofs to me that everything he receives is fully deserved.
My first critique point would be the levels, I call this method the ignorance method.
In leven design you have different main isciplines: art style, layout, item placement, playtesting.
However he ignores all four of them and just does everything randomly and of course never tests it.
I saw people designing better levels with no prior experience in level design at all.
Of course you can implement stuff faster, if there is nobody else working on it, you never test it and never bugfix it before release.
So this project is probably a good example what comes out if you always ignore feedback and overall ignore reality.
I've read through this thread and I'm completely baffled by all the posts that have become negative and nasty.
some of this doesn't make any sense so I'm sure posts have been removed by admins at some point.
i think any work put into any project and by whom should be applauded, there our many efforts made, and it's great that it shared with the community for comment, and hopefully those comments can be taken constructively, even if it's criticisms.
but we should all treat each other Respectfully, regardless of our views and opinions, Respect is key, especially in a community like OGA.we may not agree with everyone's views or whatever, but be we should respect them either way. Which sadly we seemed to have lost that somewhere in this thread and is now in my view/opinion overshadowed by nastiness and name calling.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
It does not help if you treat him respectfully, if you are not always for him, he will insult you in the worst imaginary ways, try it out.
Honesty, if other users are not taking your criticism or comments kindly and are being abusive or negative towards them, then show some resolve and don't give them the satisfaction of lowering yourselves to their level and be abusive back, just leave the post and move on. Not that I support bad comments, but should you feel it necessary to respond in a negative way then I suggest sending a private message. comments posted openly like they have been on this thread leave a bad taste in ones mouth and it doesn't portray those users in a good light, nor does it OGA, any new comers visiting the site could well be put off by reading, and I'm sure once the admins pick it up might say something about the conduct here and act occordingly.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Hats do seem desirable, however we'd probably implement it as part of a full equipment system. Medieval armor etc etc. Maybe someday.
We've never come across anything that was very hard to port. It just takes time, but that's no issue.
We're just having some banter about who's version is "better". Xonotic aims at the FPS crowd, ChaosEsque kinda moves more towards the RTS and RPG styles, aswell as sandbox playground. We split from eachother 4 or 5 years ago, and developed completely separately after that. ChaosEsque's code way follows more of LordHavok's "what you get is what you see in the code" style, while Xonotic now uses more and more macros.
Private messages about how much trash the game is, how garbage the engine is, how none of it has any future and will collapse at any minuit when it's all been going strong for 5 years... half a decade.... makes some people unhappy and willing to argue back.
Words are not action. The only behavior that anyone here engages in is coding and media creation. Arguing is just talk: a past time we all enjoy and clearly have fun doing.
Our main contributor has now been blocked from this website:
You are not authorized to access this page.
Should we be considering a lawsuit?
Crack open the casebooks? See what might be of use?
Deny someone the ability to showcase and upload new open works because of an argument on the forum?
It seems like a statement is being made.
A statement of unworthiness, that Mr MikeeUSA is worth less, unworthy, undesirable, of being a never-do-well, regardless of actual output of works.
Sounds like perhaps... libel?
MikeeUSA was banned for repeated violation of the forum rules. Not without warning either. Multiple warnings from several admins, in fact. His ban had nothing to do with statements of worth.
Earlier in this thread, Botanic stated:
Disagreeing with others is fine. Being disrespectful is not. Ad Hominem attacks are not ok. Hateful slurs (obfuscated or otherwise) are not ok. Being religious or political is fine, but not here. It is explicitly disallowed on OGA. Bringing religion or politics into the discussion is not ok.
this is not the first time I've warned MikeeUSA on this site. Heck, it's not even the 3rd time. This isn't even the first warning to people on this thread.
Anyone on this thread posting hateful slurs, politics, religion, or disrespectful comments after this point will also be banned immediately. Not sure if your comment qualifies? Think real hard before hitting that save button.
--Medicine Storm
So you ban someone from contributing and show-casing libre assets and block their portfolio because you don't want them talking on the forum section of the website..
MedicineStorm: Perhaps Mr. MikeeUSA passed the Bar Examination not a great deal long ago. Perhaps We'll be filing a lawsuit for libel (and maybe other things) against you and this website. Think real hard before you press the ban button: there may very well be repercussions for you and those here.
PS: Thank you for your admission.
I never said your game is trash or the engine is garbage, you just made that up and the point that everything will collabse was not made by me but MarioSMB.
The engine discussion was a generall discussion about the industry and the scene.
From a day ago:
Release 104 (minor feature enhancements and fixes)
"Release early. release often"
Release 104 extends the work done in previous versions and allows reverse-limits to be set for ambient temperature: that is: one may set that everything outside the limit is at the ambinent temp while within all is fine.
Additionally a gameplay fix has been added for global ambient sounds: thus the map bleach is not corrected as it was in the Nexuiz epoch.
Nordic castle, ICBM, etc now have proper ambient temp, and limits set. Evadproject and Hypergallery have proper cdtrack set.
Don't like what someone says on the forum, "Solution": ban their whole account, prevent them from contributing more opensource works.
Is that something a reasonable man would do? No. A reasonable man might ban the person from the forum, but would not lock their portfolio and would not work to prevent them from contributing new content.
Over 100 opensource works counts for nothing here.
The fact of the matter is: if you do not restore MikeeUSA's portfolio and his ability to contribute new opensource works we will explore our legal options.
Ever heard of Consequential Damages. Get familiar.
Since Mario is being coy about what button he wants the building menu to come up as, anyone have any ideas?
Is there anything intuitive?
Otherwise it's no better than the command for the command line (just as hidden).
I can't think of anything, but I'm not a UI designer.
A game shouldn't be centered around use of the console for anything, it's an optional thing for advanced users. Of course, a mod may differ from this at the expense of playability...
My intention was to give suggestions, not help design or implement them. However, since you're actually considering it instead of insulting everyone, here's an opinion on how the multi-tool could work:
Secondary fire would open the menu (entirely possible as explained on IRC) to change which building is set, this menu could be off to the side a bit (not sure how this would be done) with a live preview in front of the player (or just those barebones previews normally shown).
Primary would continue to be placement option, though perhaps it should have a "build" delay or something so it doesn't feel instant and cheap/unnatural. One would need to hold in the button while it builds.
I would also suggest moving the buildings into a buffer (like the player model selection menu) and pulling their information from text files, so you don't need to add new ones to the code.
This doesn't really speed things up, but it does greatly clean up a massive code file, and maybe leads to more fancy things in the future (building categories, an easy way for someone to add or remove buildings they want or don't want, etc), minor things that would otherwise take modifying thousands of lines of code.
For those wanting to sim-city in xonotic:
(pic attached)
We have openly defied bart here:
Since the administrators of this website care far more about obedience to their dictats than about actual opensource contributors, this is likely the last you will here of ChaosEsque Anthology on this website.
However, we will likely be filing a lawsuit against Bart and Medicine storm, so we will likely be striking back against them.
More information can be read here:
We are not going to allow website owners to disrespect us in this manner. They ___WILL___ pay for what they have done. We will pursue equitable restitution as-well as legal damages for their civil wrongs committed against our main contributor, MikeeUSA.
@MarioSMB @Duion Meet at the project forum if further discussion is desired. (Mario: Reload + 2nd mouse button to bring up menu sound good? That way one doesn't loose aim focus just from pressing weapon fire button, but pressing R in the mod is a common thing so one might run into R+SMB)