OPMon Center
Friday, February 24, 2017 - 05:46
Art Type:
This is a OPMon Lazuli Sprite of the Pet Clinic Center
Please notify : "OPMon Lazuli Sprite by Navet56, http://opmon-game.ga" in your project, thank you
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
OPMon, Navet56

some good pixel art!
Though, "pokemon" is a trademark of nintendo. Would you be willing to use a more generic descriptor in the title and description? "Pet monster clinic" or something? Differentiating the pokeball symbol on the front of the building might not be a bad idea either, but I feel that detail is different enough to be ok if you wanted to keep that. Sorry to be a stickler, but I have to mark this as having a licensing issue until then.
Hey Navet56, always cool to see people working on monster catching games.
We have a similar project, Tuxemon, which is also open source. Feel free to use any of our assets (most of them are under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence; a few are under other free and open licences).
Ok, I'm sorry,, our game is totally open source and we thought we could use the Pokemon license thanks to that, we were wrong. You can see all our work on GitHub. So we'll try to find another name...
No problem. Would you be able to change the remaining references in the description and file names?
With pleasure !
Very good quality design.
The image also contains a Pokeball, the design of which should be subject to copyright and which I imagine could also be a trademark.