8x8 Rogue-Like Char/Enemies/Tiles
Sunday, February 19, 2017 - 18:40
Art Type:
Wanted to stop doing 8x8 art but I wanted to make a rogue-like and i felt like 8x8 would be good for them and thought i might aswell release the art before the game. The character follows my other 8x8 character (the mage character is 8x11 to fit the hat). Comes with UI stuff, Items, Enemies (with portraits), 3 different classes each with 3 tiers of armor (with female versions) and some tiles to make rooms.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
None, if you do use it i would like to know though :)

Groovy! 8x8 really reduces things to the essentials. I love this. And the download contains much more than what's in the preview.
These are ideal for pico8, and adorable to boot.
Nicely done. Very minimalist, but still very creative and complete.
Awesome, I added them to:
Thank you everyone :)
It's amazing. It's a job well done and I love it.
I like the portraits!
Very cool! :)
Lovely! Nice work.
I like the way you've done this. This asset could be used in one of my games in the foreseeable future.
I'm using your sprites in a "game" I'm trying to make for the TinyArcade. (I am very unlikely to ever finish an actual game.) I've only used one so far, but it's very magestic:
Very cool, keep me updated if you can would love to see where you go with this and thank you for about the TinyAracde seems like something I might invest into one day just to play around with. Goodluck :)
I really like your minimalist style. I've incorporated some of the sprites into a game demo I've been working on:
Thought you'd like to know!
(edit: included screenshot)
Thanks for letting me know, would love to see it if you expand on it more as its already quite fun as is right now. Gonna have to play it a bit more later on, tried a few times but only finished one "floor" (? passed through one of the doors) but couldn't beat the next. Very fun as is though goodjob :)
Thank-you, it was a lot of fun to make. I mostly created it as a demo though I may take it further. It would be fun to add more monsters, treasures, more level variety, etc. Glad you like it :)
If you do take it further let me know!
Hi Min,
Thanks for the fantastic asset!
just writing to let you know I'm using it in an exercise I'm making for my students, where we're making a small game - the rogue acts as avatar :)
Of course I'm also referring them to the source.
Keep up making great art!
Are you the real Dan?
Im your biggest fan!
- Stan