Orc FLARE sprite sheets
Friday, May 20, 2011 - 11:04
Art Type:
These are the rendered sprite sheets from http://opengameart.org/content/orc-flare-3d
This includes four different sprite sheets -- regular orc, orc archer, orc heavy infantry, and orc elite.
As with the other entry, credit goes to both Clint Bellanger and to me, and you must include a link to OGA if you use this work.
Edit: Fixed the shadows.

Nice work!
Note that you probably want to keep the angle of the light source the same for the entire sprite sheet, right now it's rotating for each direction.
Awesome! I'll add these to the unified bestiary list, if you're okay with that.
@Clint -- Ah, I hadn't noticed the light. I tried using your rendering script and couldn't get it to work until just a minute ago (I didn't have things parented properly), so I was using different methods. I'm re-rendering as I type this.
@pennomi -- Be my guest. :)
johndh: If you get stuck with the script let me know.
@Clint -- Now do they look right?
johndh: yes! Can't wait to try these out in-game.
I've already plugged these into FLARE and they look great!