MV Platformer Male (32x64)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 22:57
Art Type:
- 2D - Complete Characters
- 2D Pixels
- 2D Platformer Characters
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- 6 Frame Walk Cycles
- AK 2D Characters
- Awesome Game Art
- Best Animated Pixel Sprites
- CC0 Walk Cycles
- CF Inspiration
- character animation
- Character Sprites
- Characters
- Characters
- Collected
- Interesting assets - characters
- koth
- Let's Make A Bargain
- Manic Minutes
- Pirate game 2d sprites
- Pixel Platformer
- Platformer Assets
- platformer-char
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
- Pyromance
- QnD002 Assets
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- reverie lost
- Shadow Alchemy
- Side Scrolling Character Art Collection
- Sprites
- Two-move platformer
- Vania CC-BY
- Walk Cycles
- _Mobile
A low-res platformer sprite I'm working on for my next project. Includes three bases (light, dark, undead) with two outfits (light armor and ninja pajamas in three colors) and three head coverings (light/dark hair and a steel helm). Actions:
- Idle (x1)
- Standing (x1)
- Walking (x6)
- Crouching (x3)
- High Damage (x2)
- Low Damage (x2)
- Crouching Damage (x2)
- Jumping (x3)
- Block (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x1)
- Jab/Punch (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x2)
- Horizontal Strike (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x3)
- Vertical Strike (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x4)
- Air Damage/Falling (x2)
- KO (x1)
License is CC0 - do as you wish. Feedback or critique is always welcome.
*Edit: Other packs that go well with this one:

Wow, very well done, I like the style. Thanks!
agreed, nice stuff
Thank you so much, these are incredible! I love the animations, very very useful for prototyping :D
Thanks for the kind comments!
I've made a few updates - finished the last few frames of the ninja outfit, and recolored it in red and gray versions; also added a new hairstyle with light and dark versions.
Very nice style
Looks awesome but wont let me download. Keeps saying its only 337kb and then says archive is corrupted.
ZeroRaven87: Link works for me, but here's another for ya.
Jovial: Thank you that link worked fine. Not sure what the issue was.
Hi! My name is Zsolti and I'm a game creator and developer. Would you like to create some sprites for my games? I saw some of your sprites, and I think they are awesome! I won't be able to pay you, but I will mention you as the sprites' creator. If the
game is successful, you will get a part of my profit. So, what do you say? Wanna help me?
Hello Zsolti! Thank you for the compliments! Unfortunately, between my job and my current project, I don't have the time to commit to another project right now. I will continue posting the assets I'm creating for my own game under CC0 for anyone to use freely, so if there is something you would like that I would have a use for in my game as well, feel free to suggest it here and I'd be willing to have a look. Thank you for your interest, and best of luck with your game!
Hi there, MoikMellah!
i have one request, can you also create a run cycle?
it has all but a run cycle, and I would love to see that.
perfect style, are you available for freelance, paid work? (Not too much work but art in the same style of these characters plus some scenery and such.
please let me know.
Really nice! oh yeah!
Awesome! :D
I love this character. Such a great and versatile spritesheet. I ended up using him in my HTML5 game, Super Markup Man (
This is a great model for working with; I think I'll use it as a base for all the characters in one of my projects. Thanks MoikMellah.

Hey if I would make game for the play store that would be free, could i use this art completly free ?
@Kaveljo: This piece is licensed under CC0, which is effectively a Public Domain dedication - it is absolutely free to use for any purpose, no strings attached.
Nice work! Thanks Moik.
Hi, wanted to say thanks, and to let you know that this piece (and your Goblin Corps) are being used in my current project!
Thanks, good stuff.