RP Destiny - Sprites and Tilesets
Hello, my name is Chaos and I am working on a roleplay series called:
I plan to upload this series on to my YouTube channel, however, I feel like all of the sprites and tilesets I produce will be of use for others making their own roleplaying experiences/games.
The reason why I'm making all of this is because I wanted to make something that you could use on YouTube without any risks of copyright strikes really.
Anyway, I've not done much so far, but I plan to update this post as time goes on - For those curious, this is my planned list of content I wish to make:
- Woodlands Tileset - [In Progress]
- Village Tileset
- Ocean Tileset
- Volcanic Tileset
- Cave Tileset
- Dungeon Tileset
- Desert Tileset
- More?
- Creatures - [In Progress]
- Players
- More?
None the less, I hope that all of the content I produce will be of use to everyone! :) *Update: Just updated everything for now because the old tileset no longer represents the current style.

Still too dangerously derivative of Link to the Past. Pretty fishy effort for asking Patreon money for
I apologise for coming off as a scammer ripping tilesets from a link to the past.
My true intentions is to make something inspired by it's cartoon style. With the tileset I've started drawing being a generic fantasy forest, I guess I've created something that looks like I've taken the original, altered the colours then altered the sprites.
Do you have any suggestions yourself in terms of making it unique? Or is the style I've taken overall too similar to link to the past?
Thanks and I apologise for coming off fishy. I'll redo what I can so that the content I've created will be seen as my own.
Still working on altering the tileset's look to be more unique, but the 16x16 limitation and my plan to use the simplistic/cartoon style makes what I've produced look like I've just taken the game's sprites still. Guess I'm gonna have to tweak the perspective and patterns for everything.
don't let that jerk get you down, you don't have to appease him. especially when he doesn't have any constructive criticism to add. look at any tilesets from the 16 bit era: they all have huge similarities. doors, sign posts, ladders, staircases, carpets with those frilly edges, had anyone seen a carpet like that before? torches on the walls, the chunky cave texture, circle rocks, ripples of the water. if you were making an open source FF tileset nobody would say anything, because its bland and generic. zelda has a special cartoony style that nobody bothers to adapt, because it definitely looks 'zelda'.
here's my suggestion: keep the zelda-like style, there's nothing wrong with adapting it, but DO sit down with a pen and paper (or whatever) and attempt to redraw your own version without looking at the sprites. so theres those unique looking armos statues everywhere, look at pre-history sculptures and make your own lumpy tough dude.
can't wait to see more of your tiles.
Thanks for the more constructive feedback man!
I have redone a whole lot more of the tileset since I last posted here.
So while the jerk was useless in helping me out, they did make me rethink about how I wanted the tileset to look for myself. Which right now, I'm going for an alien-esque art style that will look innocent, but also have a dark side.
Those features of the tileset are currently being worked on, such as ruins, etc.
Still keeping the Zelda cartoon aspect though, but with the mix of other themes and styles, it should be refreshing for others to use in the future! x)
What if I didn't bring it up? What would happen had this lingered and then Nintendo noticed? It would put this site in danger. The very gist of this site is having legally unencumbered and open source artwork that wouldn't put anyone at legal risk. This message obviously has not been clear enough to a lot of the submitters lately.
actually nevermind. what I meant to say Perfecto.Excellent proposal original design. Thanks for sharing
Thanks, your replies so far really are helping new comers like myself out loads. /s
Seriously though, your comment with pointing out my artwork is a copy of "insert example" was very blunt. If you included some suggestions and a reason why, then new comers on the site like myself would be more keen to listen to you than regard you as a jerk. Though, if this is how the entire community on this site is, then I'm not surprised you have issues with submitters recently.
Anyway, for the current artwork in this post - if you really fear my first version and attempt at tilesets risks the website's entire existence, then I'll replace the images as soon as I can tomorrow.
I never wanted to get on people's bad sides when I first posted here. I was just looking to post art that would get better over time as I worked on it more. :P And y'know, so others could use it themselves.
This site isn't that fragile. Even a blatantly infringing peice of artwork (which this is not) wouldn't jepoardize anything, though it would be taken down.
@undesired: this does look very much like Legend of Zelda link to the past, but I've taken a very close look at it and I believe it is heavily inspired by LoZ, but not derived from it. The palette is similar, the style is the same, but the shapes and patterns are different. I'm not perfect, so I may have missed something. In that case, it would be really helpful in curation of artwork to see some links, images, or comparisons showing what makes something an infringing work. A terse message with no explanation sends the wrong message.
@unwashedmend: yes, undesired was blunt about the potential for copyright violation. Not without reason, though. There are many many people who think they can rip off the work of another company, change a few things, and post it here as their own work. We ask that everyone be on the lookout for things that will damage this site's reputation for being free, legal, and friendly. This thread is really missing the mark on that last one. Calling someone a jerk is not helpful in any direction, regardless of the reason.
@ChaosWasTaken: This is a very nice tileset, but it does indeed look very close to LoZ graphics. Would you be willing to give some detail on what inspired you? Any images you used as a reference? Be specific. It will really help put the conflict to rest and set some other people at ease since they'd love to use them, but are unsure if they'll get in trouble with nintendo if they do. If there is ever name-calling going on around you, I would urge you not to participate in that. I really do like this tileset and I would prefer you didn't replace/remove the images just yet. :)
I apologise for the way I handled the situation.
I will admit that participating in name calling was not the way to go, in which I should have provided sources of inspiration and evidence that the artwork was created by me when Undesired first called me out.
I guess the fact his callout was so blunt, that I took him more so as a troll than someone actively trying to rid the website of infringing artwork. My other reason is because of the fact he never provided any feedback on making my artwork more original/better. Since I got no reply after asking him for suggestions, I came to the conclusion that he was likely a troll.
As for my sources of inspiration, the main ones are Link to the Past and Hyper Light Drifter. Other artwork inspired me too, but I do not have links to their original sources. Instead of reposting them, I'll try and find the original sources and include links to them within the main post.
Hopefully, once I've updated the main post with these changes, I won't end up getting this kind of conflict again. x3
That makes sense. In that case, I don't really need the specific artwork that inspired you. However, I'd like to know if you can recall using any graphics as a reference, tracing from them or using them as a specific guide instead of simply recalling the style.
Keep up the good work!
The new tiles look amazing! Love the designs on the trees.
Name calling was the wrong way to go, I apologize. Thanks for mediating.
@MedicineStorm In terms of the first version of the artwork, I referenced Link to the Past more than I should have. I'd put it down to the fact I was figuring out how to create the tileset and I had a lack of references/inspiration at the time. I have not traced anything, but if you feel it's too close to the original, you can take that version down.
Since then, I've figured out how tiling works and the overall style has changed a lot. I'd put it down to me referencing less and having a bigger variety of influences.
The style right now is still a WIP though, but I definitely have an idea of where I'm going to take it and what I plan to add with the rest of the tileset and others to come.
On another note, thanks for your help with sorting stuff out. :)
What version do you refer to? It looks like you've made some significant adjustments since the original submission. The newer versions are becoming more and more your own unique style. Well done! I don't see anything in there that needs to be taken down, though you should keep updating the tileset here as you make improvements and changes. :)
@unwashedmend Thanks! The tree designs took awhile to make, but I'm really happy with how they turned out.
The big black lines on the outside when they are joined together has really helped me to see how I'm going to make the objects and scenery stand out from the ground.
A few of the tiles like the stone path are something I'm not a huge fan off, so I plan to play around with it some more again.
@MedicineStorm I was referring to the original submission that Undesired said was too dangerously derivative of Link to the Past. The biggest part I referenced was the initial tree trunk. Same for the cliffs. But I've since redrawn them from the original version.