Mostly for my own reference, but feel free to take a look and comment on it. :)
It would be much better than the current one, especially the possibility of choosing license, author and art type on the left column
Yes, much cleaner! This would speed up the process of submitting art. I especially like how the author information is off to the side, out of sight unless it is needed.
Nice UI
(There is only one problem. You forgot the submit button.)
I have another suggestion: For description what format is expected (Like "Max 200 MB") use a tooltip-text (with the title atrribute). This will avoid the long page even more.
> I have another suggestion: For description what format is expected (Like "Max 200 MB") use a tooltip-text (with the title atrribute). This will avoid the long page even more.
No, I want to avoid surprises. Nobody wants to upload a 300 meg file only to find out afterwards that 200 megs was the limit. It's like those forums that you sign up for which inform you after the fact that your password needs to contain a number. When you submit the form again, they inform you that your password is too short. When you submit the form again, they inform you that your password needs mixed case. In reality, the form should say "Password must be 8 characters long and contain mixed case and a number." :)