New Star Ship X-002
Free as in freedom space Ship for your animation or game. If you use it in a game you will need to texture it:) Made in Cycles Render:) Still has a mirror effect that you dont need to apply. It will work without applying it:) Feel free to modify it sell it or anything I don't need credit if you give credit to anyone give credit to the awesome people who host it for me:) And for giving for free the software that I used to make it:) All textures on this model besides the blue water like texture are form and are CC-Zero as is the Blue water texture. By law I'm not required to give them credit however I still think I should give them credit because its the right thing to do:) Thank you awesome volunteers of
Here's a video of the X-002

Hello you Awesome people of open game art:) I'm glad that 3 people decided to download the x-002. Here's hoping your week is fill with good karma
Up to 15 downloads :) thanks everyone :) I love this site:) Take care you awesome people of
I have updated and fixed my error you can now use this .blend much easier:) Sorry for any trouble it caused.
Thanks for downloading the revised version of the x-002:) you rock:)
You can change the resolution in the render property window got it set low atm:) you can change it to 720 p and get great quailty
Also I turned the samples in the performance tan down to 150 depending on how good your computer is you may want to raise the samples. 1000 samples gives awesome renders but takes a long time for 1 frame. 250 samples take less time and still look pretty well:)
Will need to turn the line thickness down to .50 for good image while rendering
Does the amount of downloads you get matter that much to you? XD
Not really because its more of the fact that its being used. numbers of downloads tells me that people find what i do useful or fun:) yes it is exciting to get views and downloads because it makes me feel that my time was well spent I put more then 5 hours in the x-001 over the course of a week of testing and making sure its just right. However I don't really know how many people are sharing the .blend files I posted. There are a lot of people who share so one download has the potiental to be used by many:)
I see. I suppose that's fair enough. The ship itself is pretty cool, but I personally don't plan to do any space games soon :P
Thanks for all your comments you gave me a lot to think about. Spring you rock:)