Head Soccer (football)
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 - 03:50
Art Type:
my name is Ahmed, im 13, and I made head soccer sprites using Inkscape.
If you like this asset please share it, it helps a lot :D
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You can use it to prototype your game, but if you want to use them in you game you have to credit me:(Ahmed Khalf).

Your file has a .zip extension but it's actually a .rar file.
Sorry about that, Im only 13 and I don't know how to make a .zip file, so i just made a .rar file and renamed it.
That's ok, we all have to learn!
A zip file and a rar file are different inside, even though they do the same thing, so you can't just rename them.
Winrar will produce zip files if you want (choose "add to archive" and it will give you more options).