Platformer Art Deluxe
Sunday, July 14, 2013 - 15:43
Art Type:
- 2d
- 2D - Complete Kit
- 2D - Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles
- 2d game
- 2D-Platformer Tilesets
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Awesome Game Art
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- Broken Worlds
- C0 fantasy modern game
- CF Inspiration
- Complete art kits
- CSCIGameProbs
- CSCIGameRough
- Dangeons
- Experimental Platformer Possible Assets
- Game Art Packs
- Generic Art Collection
- Good CC0-Art
- High Quality Art
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Library of 2D Game Art
- Loot run
- My favorites
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- Platformer tilesets
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
- Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles and Backgrounds
- Project: Casino Royale
- Random
- Random
- Side Scrolling Art Collection
- Side-on 2D Pixel Assets
- sidescroller~
- Starter Kits
- Stuff I found
- Style ideas
- tile
- Tile2Map
- To Use
- Untitled Platformer
The Open Bundle managed to gather $10,000. That means this set is released CC0, uncopyrighted.
330 tiles and sprites for sidescrolling games, platformers, tutorials, videos and anything else you can come up with!
Plains, deserts, castles and snow worlds - anything is possible.
- Seperate PNG sprites (330x)
- Images for HUD/UI (33x)
- Spritesheets (10x, PNG + XML/TXT)
- Vector files (SWF and SVG)
Let me know if you have any questions or requests!
Like to support the creation of free game assets? Consider a donation:
Attribution Instructions:
Credit "" or "", this is not mandatory.

Dawww~ Those're just the cutest little sprites.
You are the man Kenny!
thanks for sharing with us again, Kenney.
Your works is great always! :)
awesome work. I love when artists release sets with lots of sprites with the same art :D
Wow! Awesome work really! :D
Thanks for share! n_n
Hey Kenney,
Quick question, do you know anything about a company called "Scoreiod"? They're distributing this and some of your other works as part of an art pack, and they're making it appear that you're affiliated with them in some way. If you gave them permission to do that, it's cool, but I wanted to find out.
(Apologies for being off-topic.)
Yep, they provide cloud saving, leaderboards and such for games. I've been in contact with Almog (founder) for quite a long time since I was one of the first users of their system.
They recently set-up a game asset bundle and asked me to pack some of my assets for them to share.
Okay, glad to hear it. Thanks! :)
Hey, out of curiosity, what was your process for these? It might be cool if we could have a community project to create some more tiles in this art style.
Hoh! A very nice piece of great work. When Sonic graphics, Mario Graphics mix in a slick and cute tileset! Instant favorite.
It's not really a process but rather just combining simple shapes to create object. If a shape or detail isn't necessary for the user to recognize what it is, it'd be removed.
I'm in the process of creating a program that will allow users to easily edit and create new tiles in this style. Resulting in users being able to create literally millions of tiles. I'll make a forum post regarding this soon.
If you can somehow pull it off that different styles are possible too, by e.g. making a plugin or something like that, I'd happily hand you down a few bucks for it.
Certainly will, the .ken files will all have different styles and options. Here are two screenshots, as you can see the options are different with each .ken file. Also the style of the sprites can be completely different, they don't all have to be flat sprites.
Everyone will be able to create .ken files.
These are fantastic, and I'll be putting them to good use shortly. Brilliant work, many thanks for sharing.
Great. I was looking for similar assets for my first game on ios devices. Thank you. Will let you know.
Used these to create a demo for my 2D Platform Controller for Unity Asset Store:
Seriously amazing work, do you have a donation box?
Thanks for using them! No donation box, I've already been "paid" for them using The Open Bundle. You can use them, guilt free :)
were can i make my own 2d things
fantom15: "were can i make my own 2d things"
This advice may be lost on you since you can't even type properly, but Flash is an IDE that was originally developed with vector-based animation in mind. Macromedia, Flash's creator, developed Director as their game programming app, but Flash was more widely adopted for game development once ActionScript was implemented. People still use Flash for vector art. I still use it.
This is absolutly incredible work. Thank you so much.
I am using it on my first game,
It is like a mario game,
Thank You ~~~
Would it be possible to get the animated walk cycles in the SVG file as well? I see they're in the flash file but I have little more than a flash player and would like to scale down the sprites without the quality issues that kick in when you try and scale down PNG files.
Thank You For This Used Some Of Your Graphics On My Game TY!!!!!!!!!!!
Might be cool to check out and support Kenny here though ;)
Hi Kenney,
Wonderful art, i am using it in my app game. I was wondering if you have any button art with similar colors, shades, Hue that i could use?
Thanks for the wonderful art and keep it up.
Hey Kenney! I used the door sprite in my game!
big pack, really love the style
cute and simple
My Game:
I agree!
This is a great graphic. I ended up using it a game I made. Check it out!
Nice,Thx :))
Sorry, but how can I know the size of each sprite?
I have problems to determine the size of each one when using the Tiled program.
nice, i was looking for something spikey for OGA1 and it has something spikey ... and a lot more i can probably use in future OGA - versions, thanks!!!! will credit in credits screen for sure
for sep sprites you would just open them up ?
take gimp ( and open it up it will show the dimensions, for a spritesheet use the menu :
view -> show grid
image -> configure grid, set the size there of the squares, if the spritesheet is consisten you can set it exactly so each one fits and the larger ones fit in two or four boxed
to cut out select : view -> snap to grid then use the selector and it will cut out exactly where you need
oh 2018 .. .o well ../)pp
Excelente me encanta, justo lo que buscaba, mil gracias excelente aporte
Hello everyone!
I recently published my first game.
It is a casual and free to play game that challenges your memory and coordination.
These assets helped me a lot.
My game is available for Android here:
Hope you like it.
Thank you!
This is so great! CC0 is even better! I like it so much.
Thanks for sharing your great talent here!!