Space Game Art Pack (Extended)
Monday, November 10, 2014 - 19:17
Art Type:
- !Project::KISS Topdown Shooter
- 2D assets
- AK: 2.5D Artworks
- Assets for Last Stand
- Assets I Want to Make Games With
- baced ui concepts
- Collected
- Exilegl's Space Collection
- High Quality Art
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Isometric assets buildings and more
- Konquerors of the Universe
- LD
- Non-Commercial - Art
- Over Head Top Down Art Collection
- Planets and Stars
- Project Alpha Zero
- Sci-fi Parts and Inspiration
- Scifi
- Silly Spacer
- space 2D
- Space Game
- Space game Art
- Space Game Assets
- space magic
- Space wars art
- SpaceRPG
- spaceships
- Tatermand's Art
- Tau Ceti
- THEME: sci-fi / space
- TopDown
PSD with layered graphic assets. Let me know if you want more art in that style.
How to create art like this:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
used this art in your project? Please, send me a note and maybe a some free copy of your game :)

"Let me know if you want more art in that style"
Yes yes and yes i would say! Thank you! Great stuff! Actually this is more than great.
Okay, thanks! Soon will be more
Hey Tatermand, I am going to use this :-) Originally I wanted a more pixel-arty style like but I really dig your subsmission, its awesome! I love the clean, detailed style and the fact that the ships can be configured.
Although impudent, I would like to request a few things (things that are missing from the other stuff I wanted to use thus far as well). For the record, I am building a space RTS game based on carrier warfare, think World War 2 Pacific Theater with large carrier groups operating fighter squadrons. No base building involved.
art requirements for my game:
Please do not feel obliged to do any of this :-)
Hey Vidmaster! Thanks, I'm glad that you like it!
Actualy I have some plans to make capital and cargo ships, and other classes, and even races, but unfortunately I do not know when I can do it all.
At what stage is your project? Thus I understand how much I have time for it.
With explosions I have a problem - I'm not so good at animation. I can certainly do particles, but with frame by frame animation I'm afraid it will take too much time, and in such style procedural effects based on the drawn particles - probably will look better?
P.S. sorry for my english
You have as much time as you want since this you are sacraficing your free time for stuff :-)
However, to give you a more concrete answer, still a lot of time. I am currently quite busy with finishing my Masters and I need to update the scripting language and pathfinding AI first before I need the next content. And development is not content driven at all, as my in-house engine is general purpose. I am currently developing a Harvest Moon clone, the space RTS, a multiplayer NES-style Zelda-clone, a medieval strategy game and an arcade shooter in parallel to assure the engine's flexibility.
While I do intent do get each of these games to an actually playable, polished state at some point the focus is still on engine development. I am a game designer and software engineer, I am not terribly good at Art (as my few submissions here on the side indicate).
If you are indeed interested in a long-term cooperation, we should probably move this discussion out of the comments and to PM or mail. Have fun :-)
Nice :)
About long-term cooperation — sure, why not - I draw in my spare time, so I will be glad if someone will come in handy for a real project.
By the way, I'm not an artist, too - project manager and game designer.
I have a terrible English, but we can try to communicate :) Write me a PM or mail
Tatermand: Awesome style. You are absolutely talented. I hope the stuff you create for Vidmaster will be available for us poor ones too :P It's really great. I would absolutely love to see more in that style.
I'm programming a space game myself. This is how one of your ships looks in it :) It's a HTML5 game running in the browser: [dead link]
You say you're not an artist, yet you have uploaded already some of the best art assets on OpenGameArt and this one here is immediately number 1# of the week :D
There is a thing you could improve: The sparks of the stars should have all the same angle. This effect appears through the lense of the camera which shot a picture. It's fixed in the sense that all sparks on a picture have the same angle.
Vidmaster: Your space game sounds similar to mine, i got rotable turrets too (they always point to your cursor) and complete free, real time controls. Is there something you have to show already? I'm always interested in sharing inspirations and ideas with other gamedevs :) My game is playable at [dead link] (multiplayer doesn't work at the moment).
Nice game! Waiting for when it will be more complete, but already now I like it. I conceived this pack just for something like this!
And yes, if I'm going to draw something in my free time - I'll upload it here.
Thank you!
Ohhhh this is great. Cant wait to explore new planets and ships of you! The black & white scribbles of the bigger ships already look promising!
@Bonsaiheldin: Your game looks, feels and plays awesome! It´s already a lot of fun just to fly around, blast up some enemies, land and upgrade. Great work!
Wow, it's a great pack. I've been searching for graphics like this for days but I think, I've finally found it :)
I have an idea for a game and I need graphics like this. I need only planets, stars, comets and some backgrounds with stars. There are some images, I'd be glad to see in this pack:
More different planets, stars(maybe animated a bit: shining, glowing).
Some star flashes/outbreakes would be nice.
Thanks all for feedback!
Whats new:
• 2 big ships
• 4 weapons
• 3 planets
• 2 nebulas
and 1 strange thingy
Woaaa! Feel hugged Tatermand! The art section in the credits of my little space game is yours!
Iamjot: Thanks :)
Tatermand: Great stuff, expect for [dead link] :)
This is exceptional
I would really like to use this, but since the update, the .psd file doesn't seem to work. Please either fix it or provide .xcf (gimp) files. Also, yes. More art in this style would definitely be great.
lamjot, jalastram, thank you!
Bonsaiheldin, you are welcome! Yeah, little planet defect :)
tim_supermonk, I saved it in max compatibility with older versions. Sorry, I don't use gimp. Maybe something went wrong when you downloaded the file?
Yes! It worked now. I had tried it multiple times before and it didn't work for some reason. By the way my username is Tim_Supermonkey, but OGA cut it off.
This is awesome! I am really thinking about using these sprites to make an open world space game.Would it be possible to see some space stations or some bullets or projectiles?
Maybe some alien creatures that will be in space? The more i play with your sprites the more i love them.
epic job on this artwork i cant wait to see more.
This is great. More like this would be wonderful.
"Let me know if you want more art in that style." YES! This is exactly the style i have been looking for. I'm making a 2D space game, but i don't want the pixelart style.
In my game i often use rotating turrets on top of the ships, so if you make some of those, I'll be very happy!
Thank you guys! I am sorry that took so long to respond to you.
IndieDevs, yes, I'm working on projectiles and other effects!
Zooltan, each ship bigger than fighters — already have a rotating turret on it's top :)
I created a topic, to keep you informed about what I do, and so you can leave your suggestions there:
Misa wanna biiiiiigggg captial ships, like ten times bigger than the currently available medium sized crafts. I'd use the small and medium ones as fighters and bombers, the currently large ones as gunboats but I'd really like some destroyers, carriers and transports :-)
Would it be ok if I were to use this and other art of yours in a game that I would release in a sponsorship agreement in which the sponsor (Newgrounds, Armourgames, etc.) would pay a certain amount to have the game branded with their logo? Of course I would credit you. If this is not possible would you be willing to add CC-BY licence? Thanks.
PS: The game would be totally free to play.
Wow. Those sketches look really good. By all means, please continue these.
check it out the art credit is your!!
Hey guys! Thank you all, for games that you made with this art, and your comments.
I made a tutorial about the style in which I work, so please, enjoy and leave your feedbacks!
Could you please make and svg or png version of this?
Hello!Keep up the good work sir your art is amazing!!!
One question only:
Is there any chance you can reupload it as CC-BY license or CC0 like your space effects file?
Thank you for sharing these amazing sprites!
I really love your style.
This is my very first game made with your assets. Take a look if you are interested:)
Do you have any additional sprites for sale anywhere?
Thanks again for sharing these!
Nice assets, just did a classic remake here:
Free download. Full credits on main screen, thanks for sharing!
I really like your art, fantastic!
I am looking at using some of this set in my new game. I'm lookiing specifically at the layer named "Cold Nebula". It's really awesome but if you examine it as a seperate layer you will see in the bottom right portion of the image that there is a noticable large oval shape that looks pretty ugly when the image is scaled up.
Is there any chance you might update this pack and correct that issue?
regards :)
Can i use this in a commcerical game? your comment "send me a free copy of the game" is a bit confusing with the CC-BY-SA licensing?
Thank you Tatermand for sharing this beautiful pieces.
I'm using your planets in my shoot'em up, Infinity - To The Top.
Flash :
They fit perfectly in the endless space ;)
Hey Tatermand!
I am going to use this in my online browser game. It's going to actually take some time, but as long as it's going to be a browser game, a copy wouldn't be right thing, you know. But I am going to create some packs later on, so the best pack for you for free should go as well? And what about credits? What should I put inside about you?
Thank you. Really awesome textures! :-)
Thank You very much :D
I used some of this art in my Steam game Asteroid Deflector XL - thanks a lot. A key is in your mail Tatermand!
Thank you so much, I have used some Ships in CORE. Free to play personal project
Hey, thanks for your great work.
I used this asset in my academic project for Construct 3 in UCSC CMPM 80K. And I will credit you for that even though I will not publish that game.
Please let me know if you have any inconvenience.
Fantastic. Thank you.
Looking to use some of this in our project Hannon game. It's a RPG style sci-fi space game. If we ever get to release it commercialy you will of course get full credit and a free copy. Excellent work!
these look great! They're perfect for a project I'm doing for a course. Thanks so much for sharing them. I'd be happy to send you a copy of the game, which I won't be releasing commercially.
Hi Tatermand,
I really love the work that you are doing.
I was hoping to use your art in my top down shooter game. If I download the psd file, it shows up as a full image with all of your assets all together vs individual parts (e.g. spaceship on its own, asteroids on its own). I may be doing it wrong but I was wondering if there's some extra step I am missing so that I can utilize your art?
Thank you again for your work! It looks great
@syc1995, unfortunately that's just how it comes. You will see that each object in the collection is generally in it's own layer. You will need to manually create unique images from each of them and then save those in the format you require.
It's a lot of work but the only way I'm afraid.
Awesome designs! the little spaceships are cool!
Hey! Really cool pack that gave me almost everything I needed for my new Unity project Stellar Miner.
You can play Stellar Miner here:
Hey there. Thanks for the great art pack! I used the starfield in the following game jam entry:
Hi Tatermand, I used some of your planets in my prototype
I've also used a couple of recolored versions of your "lava planet". I uploaded them to OGA (to satisfy the ShareAlike part of the license) but they were deleted, probably because of the rule:
"OGA reserves the right to remove 'trivial' submissions -- that is, something that could easily be produced by anyone in a very short amount of time."
Let me know if you want me to upload them elsewhere.
Anyway, thanks for the cool art!