Gothicvania Town
Monday, September 18, 2017 - 16:50
Art Type:
- 2D Platformer Pixel Art
- 2D::BG/FG
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- 2DPlatformRoguelike
- 6 Frame Walk Cycles
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- AK 2D Asset Packs
- Art for Undying Dusk PDF game
- Art With (Open) Character
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- b.g
- Backgrounds
- BlackCortex
- Broken Worlds
- Castle Nosferatu
- Castlevania Fan Game
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- CC0 artwork
- CC0 Walk Cycles
- CF Inspiration
- Complete art kits
- Frostcrest winter jam 2022 scouting
- Gothic Platformer
- GothicDania
- great asset for me
- Media in Varia
- MetroidVania stuff
- Mini Jam 176: Foxes
- OGA Summer 2022 Game Jam
- Pixel Platformer
- pixel-char
- pixelart-game
- platformer
- Project 2019-2020
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Rise! Shieldmaiden Mio
- Ruins of the Eldritch Lands
- Sprites
- Tile Set: Side Scroller
- Tilesets
- Trevas
- Type - Misc
GothicVania Town is a complete Game Art Assets Pack to build a castlevania like town scene. All assets are made with beautiful pixel art.
Pack Includes
- 2 Layers Parallax Background
- Tile set
- Props like houses and barrels
- 4 different townfolks npc with idle and walking animation each
- Also this Pack includes Code for a playable demo made with the Phaser Engine
- Music by Pascal Belisle
Files are ready to use in transparent PNGs but I also include the PSD files and some gif animations. Sprites and spritesheets are included too.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Artwork created by Luis Zuno @ansimuz
License for Everyone.
Public domain and free to use on whatever you want, personal or commercial. Credit is not required but appreciated.
Feeling Grateful?
You can support my work at
Get more Free Assetslike these at:
Music by Pascal Belisle
Music License
You are free to use the music in your projects as long as you give appropriate credit.

SIR...You are awesome.
This is pure Art! I need some more years to even touch those masterpieces as a developer. Thank you very much for sharing!
Awesome! One day I hope to be as good as you buddy.:) thanks for sharing.
very nice work indeed, thanks a lot.
Looks great. Thanks!
This is so awesome! I'm gonna tweak it to fit a Wild West theme... I hope I do it justice!
Omg those sprites are insane!!! I cant use them tho because I have a happier / brighter scene. Posible that you can make a Bright version to?? That would be amazing, since I am the absolute worst in Photoshop.
Hi Luis, I used this and some of your arts in my game. You have been duly credited as requested. I leave here the link to the game. Feel free to spread the word.
Thank you for arranging these great arts. Keep doing this incredible job.
I used your wood box sprite in my game:
Thank you!!
Hello ansimuz I have used this and many other of your arts in two android games:
mentioned you on the credits.
Your art is amazing! Thank you!
Amazing art !!!
I used the backgrounds (and several other from Sunnyland and Gothicvania) in a little tower defense (