Top Down Pokemon-esque Sprites
Sunday, August 27, 2017 - 01:31
Art Type:
These are some sprites I made a while ago (with the exception of the coloured versions of the females. I made those for this upload). they were inspired by Pokémon and Zelda. the top row is of no limit colour the second is of Nes limit colour the final if of Gameboy limit colour feel free to use these whenever
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
credit isn't needed however it would be appreciated. I only ask that I see the final product.

cool art, but can you remove pokemon like :)
These are very well done.
@GrafxKid thanks. They're old and I was thinking of updating them but I like the way they are
It took some work, but I managed to reduce this down to an indexed PNG of 4 colors plus transparent.